George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #38

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I may be early! I may be late! I haven't figured that out yet! :shifty:

Princess, just what were you and Nick up to? ;) I spent half an hour just picking up sticks so I could mow the lawn and he refused to help. :shifty:

Your runners up:
Smokey - I was waiting for this to show up. :lol:
Princess - Maybe I should warn Nick that we don't answer our telephone - it goes straight to the machine. :eek:
jacquie - What collar? and is that what he's doing? :devil: :devil: :devil:
NickyFan - with an oh-so-close double whammy of Cowboy Chocolate. :drool:


Stokes4Me - because I just can't resist the crinkles that go with this all out smile. :adore: :adore:

I'm going through withdrawal!!

So, some fresh off the presses caps from me. :) I've had a bit more time to cap this week. :)

Sooo....I guess there are a few hours left. Stokes4Meeeeee....come out, come out wherever you are! :lol: And I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure runner up Nickyfan won't be here to post either, but we'll see. So...get ready, might be up! ;)
I'm here! I'm here! Was going to post this morning and my PC dies on me!!!:scream: Thanks to my very clever husband it is now up and running again! So...

Well, I'll be darned!
Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning and found this hunk waiting patiently for me with a generous serving of chocolate and a smile brighter than the sun shining outside!

Why thank yew Miss blackflag for sending Nick on to me!:)

Now for a new theme then...I'd like for you ladies to sum up season 10 in one post and to tell me what Nick/George will be doing during the hiatus in the other! Sounds complicated? Ok like this:

For the season 10 posting there is no need to post pics from this season, for example:


Nick wore a lot of Forensics gear

And for the hiatus pics, an example:

George will spend a lot of time at the beach

I'm sure you get it! Have fun!

Up to 12 pics in about 24 hours thankyew darlings!
I'm going through withdrawal!!

I know the feeling :)

Good day everyone :)

and congrats on winning Stokes4Me :) so blaming a dead pc for trying to get more Nick time, eh :D I think we can all safely say we've been there and done that. The computer problems I mean :)

Summing up season 10 coming up

there's been a lot embarrassing info discussed
as always plenty of chocolate
had some tender moments
plenty of crinkles that are usually a result of 1000 watt smiles
sunnies and open Nick
and some good dirty moments :drool:
Aww man :scream: Damn homework kept me from posting and now I have no ideas for this theme at all... okay we'll see...

Congrats on your win, Stokes4Me :) You sure were lucky to get your computer up and running in time to claim your special prize :D

So I'll try to get this right, even though I highly doubt there will be a second set of me...

in season 10...

we got to see more white shirt Nick :drool:
we got some more puppy dog caps :adore:
we got neck pics to die for
Nick showed us his softer side
he had some very funny moments
we got to see 'nom, nom, nom' Nick :lol:
Well now, I'm late again even though my PC's been up and running smoothly since the break down...but y'all know how hard it is....:devil: let Nick go that is!

Thanks for playing! You always amaze me with the pics you post and this time round is no exception - wow!:)

So without further ado and while Nick tries to untangle us from these cuffs...:devil: ...ahem...I'll give you your runner's up:

blackflag - he does wear that jacket sooooo well..yum :drool:
Princess - mmm, I do love him wet...

Smokey - running Nick...yup he sure was back on track again!:lol: And I love action pics!
blackflag - they do make a wonderful couple!:)
Smokey - beautiful pic of someone horsin' around! Man, he's gorgeous! And so is George..

And then I really struggled...I mean for real :eek:...between Jacquie's crinkle and smile pic - which has got me grinning like a lovestruck teenager again
and NickyFan's neck pic - which is just soooo very hot and it makes me want to nibble and maybe bite...just a little...

And the winner of this battle of sorts is.......NickyFan with the neck pic! Neck, arm, vest, sunnies, Nick...all those ingredients that make a sweet mixture of Hot Danged!

Enjoy your prize NickyFan! ;)
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