George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #38

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Good afternoon ladies :)

Nick will be leaving behind the sunny and slightly warmer temps for parts and temps unknown. All that is known is Nick will be spending tonight with one lucky Ward Girl :)

blackflag I think if I had to pinpoint my fetish I'd say it would have to be this :devil: and yes George we need to see more open Nick :devil: :drool:
Smokey is the hazmat suit because of the ingredients that are mixed up to make the beverage that Nick is so thoroughly studying :lol:
NickyFan looks like Nick is ready to tackle the job here
Princess the old jumpsuits were :drool:worthy but the news ones are very appealing as well
blackflag wet Nick :devil: even if he is fully clothed
Smokey oh so very close with this one :devil: :drool:

but I felt that since I beat Princess on the last round it was only fair that I send Nick to her with this loverly jacket and chocolate serving :drool: The chocolate was so suggestive that I had myself a turtle :lol: So congrats Princess. Nick should be with you shortly. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Well thank you Jacquie. Nick arrived safe and sound just a few minutes ago thankfully he didn't get blown away by these insane winds.

Despite the wind it's been a gorgeous day and the weekend should be as well.
It's a good time to be outdoors so that is your theme.

I would like at least 12 of your best Nick/George/OC in the outdoors or outside in 24 hours.

Now while you ladies are searching, Nick and I will be enjoying tonight's episode.

have fun.
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