George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #38

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:eek: :eek: :eek:

Was everybody sitting in front of their computers waiting on me to post the new theme? I post the theme, go away for a couple of hours and come back to all these loverly theme pics (and I have no patience - I look at them all). :D


Us :angel:
do something like that :D Of course we would :guffaw:

Thanks Stokes4Me :)
Good Morning y'all :)

Tis mid week which means new Nick tomorrow :)

and in the meantime George is all smiles because he'll be making his Ward Girls happy :)
:eek: what a hard decision! :eek:

Your runners up:
NickyFan - :angel:
Stokes4Me - :luvlove:
Smokey - from a distance...
Smokey - and close up! (like I was gonna choose one or the other! :rolleyes:)

And that leads me to the tough decision. Jacquie and Princess, would you two like to fight it out? Probably not so that leaves Princess with an incredibly close second that is well worth :drool: :drool: :drool:.


Jacquie with crouching Nick and my absolute favorite pic to just :drool: over. It's dry and windy out right now. From looking at the radar he's got to go through some rain to get up north. But I think I can trust you to make sure he gets dried off! :devil:


Jacquie with crouching Nick and my absolute favorite pic to just :drool: over. It's dry and windy out right now. From looking at the radar he's got to go through some rain to get up north. But I think I can trust you to make sure he gets dried off! :devil:


And would you look who just showed up in time to help with the late afternoon activities. My dear hubby will be glad of a little assistance with the butler duties for a while :) Nick arrived a little on the wind blown side blackflag but other than that he was as dry as can be. Mind you I'm sure that won't last long :devil:

Since we've been talking about the lack of clothing we'd like to see George in :devil: how about we do a clothing theme. I like to see the various styles of CSI apparel that Nick has worn over the years. That can be hats, vests, jumpsuits, jackets, coats you name it. 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy Hunting while I go see what my butler is up to :D
Oh boy! Oh boy! I almost ruined it by accidentally posting in the quiz thread, but I didn't! :lol:

Congrats on your win, Jacquie, and it's my pleasure and honor to post my first set as my 5,000th post! :D Yee haw!!

Congrats on the milestone Smokey :) and I don't think it would be the first time someone posted Nick/George stuff in the wrong thread. Didn't someone at some point in time post their pics in the Greg thread :lol:
Oh boy! Oh boy! I almost ruined it by accidentally posting in the quiz thread, but I didn't! :lol:

Congrats on your win, Jacquie, and it's my pleasure and honor to post my first set as my 5,000th post! :D Yee haw!!

Congrats on the milestone Smokey :) and I don't think it would be the first time someone posted Nick/George stuff in the wrong thread. Didn't someone at some point in time post their pics in the Greg thread :lol:

:lol: Oh, I meant I almost played the quizzes and posted, thus wasting my milestone post in a thread other than the Ward. :) That would be funny tho! :lol:

Second set...

All black :adore:
Hazmat suit
Ummm...morgue scrubs?
Just a clarification, Jacquie, do you want clothing that has the CSI logo on it or any kind of clothing?

good question Princess :eek: Since I don't look at the pictures until the end I'm not really sure how everyone is playing this. I would say by the descriptions of some of the pics that they may be a bit of both. I hope this helps :)

Sorry speedy I some how thought that was bookgirl that did that :)
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