George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Kind of hard to use the mouse with cat feet on my arm, but here's a set from me:

And a little more sumthin'

First off all I know how difficult it is to type while wearing that type of fur coat :guffaw:and...

secondly holy......need to keep things clean here :eek: All I can say is nothing :eek:

*Places hand over Jacquie's mouth*

Don't say it....we don't want Destiny gettin her just use your eyes...
Ok, I guess I've kept you girls waiting long enough. Great pics and captions all around girls, but I wanted to :), not :drool:. Now I have a mess to clean up. :guffaw:

Honorable mention goes to Deirdre for her "Nick the Farmer" pic. It looks like he's saying, "Why do I always get these tasks"

Runners up:

Jacquie OMG, it really looks like he's saying that.
Princess Good Gawd!! Yup, that pretty much says it all, because if I say anything else, someone will come a hosing.
Yoshi Wow if looks could kill, Warrick would have died (if he has that is) 5 seasons ago
Smokey He looks so uncomfortable in this pic
MsCatherine Brown Hmmm, I don't think I've seen this pic before.
Bookgirl Ok this pic almost won, but I thought you were hitting below the belt on this one. :guffaw:

Which leaves *drum roll please*, Blackflag. Because, well, a dog always makes me smile and there is just something about a man and his dog.

So congratulations Blackflag. Nick is napping now, ummm, I'm not going to tell you why and he'll be off in a few hours.
Helloooooo??? Something's wrong with my computer, right? Or something was wrong with the site after 2 in the morning? Where is everyone??

Of course, I can see what Speedy has been up to! :devil:
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Well Smokey I've been trying to save Nick as he's going to need it in the summer showdown. Rules have changed :)

I know!! Everyone needs to get over there and use their 4 turns!!! I've used 2 already. :(

blackflag congrats on winning. I see it took 2 dogs to win :)

Give it up, Cap'n. Give it up. :guffaw:

I cracked myself up last night capping "Lab Rats". :lol: Excellent episode! Especially the erotic athlete!
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