George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Speedy's icon is from Let The Seller Beware.

Let photobucket beware because the next time they allow me to access them I'm gonna :censored:
Besides this Super summer showdown is causing way too much stress.

Oh I'm hearing you on that one speedy :eek: if any of you other Ward Girls want to go help out Nick go visit the Super Summer Showdown in the general forum. If you don't know how to play ask and we will help :)

speedy I is jealous of your ability to make these cool icons. Some day I should sit down with you on Yahoo and get you to teach me how to do them. Mind you nothing could possibly be better than my kissing icons :)

blackflag all I could think of on the Train Convention is how much the hubby would have liked that :) He's a model train fan. We have a small layout in the basement but it doesn't get used as much as it should. No time.

some arm porn to keep on track :)
So, another question for all you cappers. Who is using that program that the Cap'n sent out, and who is using the snipping tool, and does anyone think either one is better/easier/etc.?
Hey Ladies, just thought I'd drop by and say goodbye to you all, not sure if I'll get the chance to come online again, cause I'm heading off to Canada tommorow morning. I don't think I'll have internet access when I'm there, but I'll miss you all, and the ward. I'll be back on the 14th of August, talk to you all then.

Bye-bye. *Big hugs*

Some randomness to say Goodbye.

*More hugs*
Ok, I've been gone for way too long. But hey what are you girls doing to me in the Summer Showdown? I know you love Nick but do you have to take points away from my other man Don Flack?! Take 'em from Ryan or Mac! Then I'll stop taking 'em from Nick, I was only taking from Ryan but everyone's being mean to my other man. :(

a peace
Hey I've been taking them from Ryan :)

So I see

:D I guess we all have our 'other' faves.

As my dearly beloved hosting site (that deserves absolutely no publicity :mad: ) is now fully functioning , I'll leave a few pretties in lieu of a second set of theme pics. :)
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