George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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speedy, you usually are a late starter to your work day. Why are you grumbling so early

a little distraction for speedy's sanity :drool:

Because Thursday and Friday are early days for me. :scream: Lets see, they've upgraded our database program and lots of things to fix, upgraded our pagination program which seems to be working ok, and oh lets add more work to you and your department by letting you do two books from the Wisconsin area (which you can't even make up your mind if we're going to do the books or not, and when will you tell me? When we haveto actually start doing the production work, because God forbid you can give someone a little advance warning). And let me guess how much more pay we'll get for this extra work and responsibility? NONE!!!!!!! :scream:

I'm not amused :wtf: Time to get that resume together

Thanks for the distraction, it helped!

Sorry for going off topic and the rant! ahhh, that's better
Thanks everyone and especially for the bear hug! I so need it. :bolian:

Just had to solve a major problem with the program with one of our tech guys or one of our magazines would not being get out.

And now Smokey can post her second set.
Winner time ladies!
Honorable mention goes to Steph for her Laying Down with Dogs lean- nice!

Runners up:
MsCatherineBrown A dancing Nick. Definitely movement I can appreciate
Blackflag Speaking of 'the walk' :drool:
Jacquie I'm such a sucker for when he talks with his hands
DeidreIf I saw this coming towards me I don't know if I'd run away...or towards him :D
Smokey The proverbial hand in the cookie jar- Busted!
Yoshi I'd be scared to let Nick in my workplace. Nothing would be safe!

And the winner is Speedy I like the rearview and you can so see him in motion during this shot. Love it!
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