George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Okay ladies so sorry to keep you waiting. So right to it....Yoshi honorable mention to you. The runners up:

Deirdre He looks so good in a white button up shirt
AC The hair looks great here.
Jacquie An open challenge would not be complete without this one.
blackflag Lovely capping job
speedy I wanted one more button you know?
Smokey The look on his face and the close

But one pic stood out....and the third from this particular episode: bookgirl20 Good heavens...the sunnies, the jeans, the walk.....:drool:

So, congrats to you bookgirl. Nick is headed to you...thankfully the rain has gone making the flight free of turbulence and he should arrive safely. Well rested?....I can't promise anything. ;)
I won, serious?! Wow thanks Princess! I almost didn't post that pic cause I thought it was too full length to serve as a proper Open Nick. Guess I was wrong! :lol:

And Princess's comment about the walk inspired my theme idea. We all know Nick/George is beautiful but something about the way he moves gives me even more non PG-13 rated ideas (It's just me? Ok :D) So I want pictures of Nick/George/etc in motion, any movement hands, body, head, etc etc. 12 in 24 hours.
Smokey, ment to tell you - that pic of mine you picked as the winner was put in last minute because bookgirl used the one I was going to use. :lol: (I just remembered that with bookgirl winning. :rolleyes:)

Theme pics:
Playing 'This Little Piggy' with Grissom
Having a walk with Grissom and Lockwood
Bending over to see what Super Dave is up to
Walking the halls with Greggo
Up the stairs he goes
Just starting to stand up

Thomas' stitches came out yesterday. The vet who took out the stitches thought she may have felt something in his stomach area but the vet who did the surgery didn't want to poke and prod him to much so he goes back in 2 weeks. :(

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