George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Good wet and soggy morning everyone.

:scream: photobucket has done something that I'm having trouble with my pics. Once I figure it out I will post my last set of theme pics :brickwall:
Thanks for the concerns Steph I got it all sorted out by my little ownself :) I hate it when programs I use change things and the computer guru is out of the house. Maybe there is hope for me yet to understand things :) This time I just had to update the flash player that photobucket uses. Scary for me but I did it :)

Oh and Steph when you come a visiting here shortly make sure you bring your wellies and your umbrella. June and July have been the wettest here in the last 25 years. And that's not figuring in the :drool: :guffaw:

The rest of my theme pics

yup everything is sorted out
open Nick with the buzz growing out
open Nick with the buzz
with a serving of chocolate
I jsut had to post this :D
ooh the button says please undo me :D
Congratulations Princess :D

I see photobucket has been irritating us all today :mad:
First maintenance, then the bulk uploader was not uploading bulks but telling me it had :scream:

So, my first set, at last:

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6 oooh - black shirt....
Now are we not only having problems with TalkCSI not coming up, CSIFiles is having the same problem

speedy not only that but the time was out of wack for a bit :D

Wow Captain, your powers of ESP just amaze me. How did you know I was going to post that before I posted it? :guffaw:

See, George is impressed too

That's the powers that come with being green :guffaw:

Honestly, Nick is impressed as well :)
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