George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Congrats on winning MsCB but where are you????

We'll leave all sorts of goodies out to make you come and play. Would you like a trip to the spa? Maybe a nice statute. Or what about a shovel? You all ready have Nick so I don't know what else you might want.
Hmmmm....looks like she hasn't been around since yesterday afternoon. Wonder if she said forget the theme and just rode off into the sunset with George??

ETA: Okay, since we're all getting antsy, if she isn't back by the time I get home this evening from a dinner out, we'll move on with the runner up. Does that sound fair, or should we give her more time?
Okay, it's been over 24 hours and MsCath is still MIA. :( So, her runner up will need to serve in her place (just like a Miss America scandal!).

That means....Blackflag, you're up!
So a new round of congrats is in order :)

blackflag don't keep us waiting all day now. Just a little something to help you hurry up with theme :)
Jacquie what would you do if that first one was my theme?

Sorry I wasn't around much over the weekend. My lack of sleep caught up with me Saturday afternoon and I came down with something. :( I spent most of two and a half days alternating between sweating and freezing! I did finally end up sleeping, though. :lol: I did make it on several time but not for very long before I would end up cold and tired.

Now not to keep you all waiting any longer. Lets see - the new theme will be latex. 12 in probably under 24 if it looks like everyone has posted. If it looks like more are posting it won't be until the next morning (it is 9:47pm here! :eek:).

Jacquie what would you do if that first one was my theme?


It would have been the first of my theme pics :)

Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope Nick will help things get better for you :)

theme pics :)

unfortunately there are two sets of latex here :(
latex and Nick is not happy about speedy's info on DVD's
latex and some open Nick
latex while opening the Ward's newsletter I don't think Nick trusts us :D
more double latex here but this times it's good :)
yup there is latex here
Captain, I so like the "going down" one better! :bolian:

Aw crap :wtf: Man where's the umbrella at?!!

Nevermind the umbrella. When Destiny comes a'hosing I'm breaking out the hip waders!

Second set:
latex 7
latex 8
latex 9
latex 10
latex 11
latex 12
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