George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Well Ladies, I have to post a little earlier than anticipated cause, I'm going out with my friend and won't be home until tonight. I wish I could keep him longer, but I don't wanna make you ladies mad, cause I'm keeping him to myself. :p So he just needs to get ready and I'll send him on his way after breakfast. :D

Anyhoo... Down to the Runners up, and you certainly made it hard for me:

Smokey - For this cute buzz and hand porn shot.
Blackflag - For a delicious shot of Nicky's rear.
Deirdre - Well I had to get a long hair shot in. :p
Speedy - For a delicious smiling shot, with added suit porn.
Cap'n - For this one with a very cute expression, added points for you caption. ;)
Bookgirl - Oh the scruff... This was very nearly the winner...

And the winner is... *Drum roll please* Princess with a gorgeous shot of a dirty and scuffy Nicky. Rawr. :devil: Congrats, he'll soon be on his way to you. :D
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Well, this was unexpected....thanks AC. So you ladies need a theme don't you? Well, how about Season 7. Quite a number of great episodes to pull from. 12 in 24 or so. Have fun.
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Yes real life can just get in the way sometimes! :klingon:

"Living Hunk" works for me - never liked the title of that episode anyways. :lol:

Yoshi, you do know there was something like 23 other episodes in season 7, right?

Yoshi, you do know there was something like 23 other episodes in season 7, right?

Picky, picky picky! :lol:

Changed that last pic over - I'm just embarrassingly over-excited at being back on the pc :rolleyes:


I'll have to see if I have any other episode pics available for my next lot :p
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