George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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blackflag keep up the faith and hope for Thomas and Pookey. They need you to be ok so they can :) If in doubt go down to the local animal shelter and see about a Nick or George :) That might help everyone out :) We suppose to be chatting this weekend so do join us :)

Here are the rest of my fetish pics. This will be a hodge podge one :)

the episode that really started the chocolate eyes for me
two fetishes here...great body and I'll let you figure out the other one :D
my interest in open Nick shirts really started here :drool:
just look at my banner :D
I've always liked clean cut men so this is certainly an on going fetish
What's not to have a fetish about here it's one porn after another :drool:
I think I need to go and get a mop and bucket... Wow Ladies, as you know, I have no self control and have to go look at all your pics... :p As always I can already see you're going to make this a difficult one for me to choose, but thanks for all the gorgeous pic. ;) Keep 'em coming. :D

I hope all goes well with your Kitties Blackflag... Aww, I'm sure you're super happy to have Rogen (is that right?) back with you Speedy, I'm sure you missed him alot.
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