George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #26

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Morning ladies or evening depending on your time zone. AC, Nick arrived promptly and ready to go....unfortunately we're in a heat wave so no outdoor activities for us. We enjoyed some indoor fun ;) and the air conditioning. So on with the show...firstly honorable mentions to MsCath and bookgirl.

AC Suits are a weakness of mine.
Deirdre Dancing Nicky.....he should stick to being a CSI
speedy Great pic I just want to hug him
Yoshi Another Redrum pic. Gorgeous intensity.
blackflag Everybody say Awwwww.
Jacquie Love that little smile

And now.....the winner and the one who I will relinquish Nicky to: Smokey Jeez louise girl...were you trying to make me faint? Those eyes....wowza.

So there you have it...thanks for playing.
on winning Smokey. Lovely pic. I've been going on a season 7 frenzy and that good Nickisode is on the list

Nick's getting ready for the next heat wave :)
Oh. My. Gosh. When Nick showed up here this morning, I told him to go away. I was sure he had the wrong house. And it took him forever to find it! He hasn't been here for over a month! I'll admit, I was beginning to get a little discouraged. :(

Discouraged and...frustrated. So now he's in for a very busy day! :devil:

So after waiting all this time and with everyone doing their own capping, I'm SURE you have a vault full o' hand pics for me, right? And I don't even care if they're really his. :lol: As long as they're naked.

Let's say 12 in about 30 hours. Yes, I sound greedy, but I deserve it! And anyway, that's about when I'll be getting home from work tomorrow. :D

Thanks, Princess!! Happy, happy ward dance!
Congratulations Smokey :D Glad you're out of your Nick drought.

pic 1 hey - look at that. It's from Fannysmackin' :lol:
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5 you need to listen to his voice in that specific part of the scene :drool:
pic 6

Here's hoping they're all his :lol:
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