George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Welcome to the Ward wooftah. As you've probably figured out, we just like to have a lot of fun in here. :D

Goody. Goody. I won. :lol: I may not participate a whole lot over in the Texan Charm thread, Jacquie, but I do pay attention to it! :D I had a feeling that you'd like that one and the one from Crows Feet (for entirely different reasons). By the way - I lied when I said I was going to have a good time while the kids were gone. ;) I spent from 9:30 this morning till 2:00 this afternoon digging up crab grass (and other weeds) from in front of a line of trees that I get a rash from every time I accidentally touch them!

New theme............How about some pics of Nicky in the CSI vest. Something easy since I haven't finished digging up the crab grass and have to go do it tomorrow! Limit 12, winner 24 hours or so. :)

blackflag the Crows Feet pic was tempting but as soon as I saw the stache I said that's the one :D If you're needing more crab grass to dig up I could send you some :) I've been contending with cats today. We're spending the day out on the back deck enjoying the weather before the humidity comes a calling this week. The cats are having a field day because they rarely get to spend this much time outside but the downside of them being outside with us is they take up our seats, walk over the keyboard, sit on the newspapers, etc. you know the drill :)

So here are Nick in vest pics. You know that brings a very nice imagine to mind. Vest only nothing else :devil:

getting ready to go for a spin on the water
just use you imagination for vest only
2 good old boys
anyone for some arm porn with the vest
Hot time in the desert
the temperature seems to be rising here
Good Morning y'all :)

The cats actually let me sleep in this morning :) It's rarity that happens maybe twice a year :) and it's a holiday of sorts to boot. Government offices and businesses are all closed but retail is open. We choose to close because we know business will be very slow today and the store cats wanted a day off as well :lol:

Here are the rest of my theme pics :)

alright blackflag where are you hiding now
interesting lighting effect
now look at the vest :D
blackflag do you have any money I can give this officer
still looking a little annoyed with Catherine
Great pictures! :) I can't enter this theme, photobucket is.. well, weird. Really like that fifth picture of your second set Jacquie.
Hi ya'll. Not in for this theme. Photobucket was acting strange, and today the weather was soooo good, finally we could enjoy the sun overhere :D....Great pics, Its already hot overhere in Holland and its getting hotter and hotter since I walked in here :devil:
Sorry everyone seems to be having problems with Photobucket. I'm fine with Photobucket, I'm having problems with TalkCSI! I kept getting 'done' with a blank page on screen! :(

Obviously Jacquie is the winner. The only question is which picture won. I can't decide between 4 of them so you get to. :D

First you have this classic Nick and Warrick episode.
Next we have this really nice season 5 arm porn.
Then there's this Nicky walking out of the screen right to me.
And not to be left out there's this very very nice view of Nicky.

It's all too much for my brain to deal with today! :D I just can't make such a hard decision.


How about the We hate to see you leave, but we love to watch you go option. :devil:

I'm annoyed I'm spending so little time here at the moment. I'm doing a load of recruitment at work and seem to be tackling it solo :mad:

Hopefully I can be back on track in a few days - I need to get in the swing for theming again - I miss it. :D

I'll leave you with a few lil pics to ponder.

Could've been a contender 24 hours ago lol.
Someone wolf whistle for me because I can't. :D

eta: Stoky you snuck in when I wasn't looking - I've just swiped your last 2 pics - beautiful.
Hi Stoky and Yoshi don't people understand that us ward girls need out Nick fix. This may be our last link to sanity :D

Ok on to the new theme. How about Nick with something in his hand and how he would describe said item. The usual 12 in 24. Happy hunting while Nick and I snuggle for the night :p
How ya doin Stoky and Yoshi. People just don't seem to understand our need for Nick! :lol:

Some of these are probably pretty stupid since I'm not too good a describing things :p, so here goes nothing.

Theme pics:
This little metal device is used for measuring the width of anything from bones to my hand.
This is a little tiny piece of brain.
My little 9mm gun used for shooting bad guys!
My own personal television remote control. Now where's CBS?
A very dangerous pointy object with an equally dangerous drug.
An oversized baby pacifier. Where's my woobie?

Hope those are good enough because that's the best you're going to get from me. :rolleyes:

:lol: Hy Jacquie and yes you are so right :D and Yoshi feel you free with the pics therefore the Ward is here ;)

it´s a nice new theme Jacquie and i will make my first set now

Blackflag :D hy, i like your pics great comment and great pics and thanks for ask, fine, i´ve had some really funny experience on myspace :lol: but that´s now to long i like to tell later ok ;) and btw. happy belated birthday :( sorry i was not here to send you wishes i make a gift for you ok send it via pm

hmm, i can´t exactly sai is it mine or Jacquies.......
so many interesting books, but........ stop, what´s that? we all knowing what Nicky found :lol:
this is the perfect morning coffee for my Wardladys :D
well, i think you tell me now the truth
Stoky is old.... haha, she lost again her implant :lol:
Jacquie sais, this must be very clean this day, so i´ll doing my best

hope it was correct Jacquie ;)
Hello ward! Thank you all for the warm welcome. I wanted to say something sooner but found that after checking out all your posts (especially the first picture in your last post Stokey) I was left unable to combine two words together in any coherent manner. The syndrome grows stronger every day I find. yay!

Ok so I thought I would try to post some pictures for the current challenge. Please bear with me as this is my first effort ever in doing this type of thing. If I'm doing something wrong constructive criticism would be appreciated. Wow, this is actually making me a little nervous.

As sweet as my Ward ladies (I hesitate to submit this pic as it obscures the wonders of Nick's face, but it's so my favorite)
A gift for the winner? (Like any of use would even care what was in it)
Yes I'm calling to check on my Ward girls?
Hey I think I have enough punches for a free coffee
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