George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Howdy y'all! :D

Well, the criminal element is somewhat tame, but I am working a sh** load of shifts, doubles, etc. Plus I am doing what they call "in service" training, which is basically going back to school for certain key things that need learning/refreshing, such as how to use a tazer without killing yourself!

Very busy, very tired, and very, very bruised and battered after a few defense classes.

Can I have Nicky to snuggle with tonight? :devil:
Good evening ladies. Sorry for the delay but my 'chauffeur' got tied up with an appt.

As always lovely pics and some I haven't seen before but I've snagged them for later :) So here are the runners up in no particular order

bookgirl20 I wonder how he takes his coffee :)
blackflag I like that he's not sharing the numbers
Babs Thanks for the warning Nick
Stoky I hate to say it but I prefer tea Nick
Yoshi I'm a little concerned with all the numbers that appear to on the list

And the winner is Babs All I can say to keep it clean is I be the first volunteer :devil: So congrats Babs Nick is back in your capable hands :) I hope he's not too tired :p

eta:McStokes I don't think anyone will mind if you have Nick for the night. When you finish send him over to Babs :)
Oh I see now! The whole point of the daily photo contests is to see who gets Nick for the day. I thought it was just to provide eye candy and drooling material for those of us who are stricken with Nick-love. Wow, I like your rules much better! ;)
Good Morning y'all :)

bookgirl20 we started the theme idea almost a year and a half ago as a way to keep ourselves occupied with all things Nick and George. It did start out as eye candy material but somewhere along the way we started to share Nick :) but as you can see we will borrow or loan him out when the need arises for a Nick cuddle. I hope this makes sense. I haven't had my daily dose of caffeine yet :)

Here are some random pics to start the day

so easy on the eyes
sorry Cath but I'm involved with the ward girls
move over Nick we want to sit beside you
a favourite of many of us
listening to the oldies
another popular one
Wow Got Nicky back in my hands again, :devil: he just arrived, and he was not tired at all :p:p;)

New theme. Nick/George and co have a lot of face expressions *Hope I wrote that alright*...I like to see different expressions, and tell me what he think...12 is the limited. Happy Hunting. i'll be back over 24 hours maeby little later...

SO now I am going to take care of Nicky :devil:
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