George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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OK it 4 weeks until school starts here but do we need the back to school ads on the radio yet :mad: There is an annoying one that was cute 4-5 years ago but it is just annoying now. It's like the Christmas ads that start in November :mad:

Yoshi isn't fun when both photobucket and work clash so you can't have you Nick fix :mad:

I just get my Nick fix with Babs theme

it was profiles you wanted? :D OK now that that's out of the system :D
a very popular ward girl profile
anyone for some porn profile
angry profile
courtsey of blackflag
upset profile
Wow great pics already Jacquie is it hot in here or what??? :p

I am going to hit this forum, its slow and sometimes the topics dont wanna open :confused:
Jacquie, I only wish they would wait 2 more weeks to start the sales. As it is we're going shopping for jeans for Christopher tomorrow even though he's not here - that's when they're on sale. :lol:

Babs, I don't have problems (too often) with opening threads on here. I have more problems with getting out of them. Sometimes when I hit back on my browser it doesn't go back. :(

Theme pics:
profile #1
profile #2
profile #3
profile #4
profile #5
profile #6


ETA: Of course after I say that I have one come up real slowly! :( (Things like to make a liar out of me.)
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to pop in so you don't forget me. Lovin' the pictures as always...they are the only thing keeping me sane at the moment!
Thnx Jacquie and Blackflag for the pics ;)

I am just annoncing the winner. I really loved all the pics, and I had to chose between to but this one from Jacquie won. Yeah well do I have to say more? The only thing I say is ROAR :devil:

COngrats on winning Jacquie, a very tired Nick is on his way ;)....

And a ransome picture from me... CLICK HERE
Good Morning y'all :)

And I won again :D Somewhere someone has a copy of that pic with another person in the background that has her hand in a very interesting location. Gets the mind going :devil: Babs thanks for those loverly random pics this morning. There are headed toward my photobucket shortly :) Oh there are so georgeous :)

OK new theme. Lets see the many changes of hair. The pics can be of George, Nick and company. The usual 12 in 24 :)
blackflag thanks for the thought of those 2 pics :) As I said early they are georgeous. Now that I have a better computer I may have to go looking for more pics :)
Hello Ward Ladies,
I'm new to the forum, new to the syndrome at all. Only caught the disease a few months ago. I blame higher education for keeping me away from the joys of CSI in general and Nick specifically (sigh, so sad).
I've been lurking in other CSI forums, but never actually posted. So if I make some heinous mistake please forgive me. But when I found the ward I knew I had to say something. A place where oggling Nick is allowed, nay- encouraged? Rock on! And you all provide such lovely pictures to oggle as well.
Since this is all new to me I don't know how much I'll be able to figure out how to post or anything- but I'll be back! The eye candy's just too good to pass up. :D
Hello, Ward Ladies!

I've finally gotten time to actually sit back and make a post, instead of the usual dash for the drool bucket.

I have been lurking this very thread from it's inception. (Nov '05 and I remember NSF#1 :p) But, I've never posted before. Close to 2 years of watching you ladies doll out the fun and have some fun while doing it. Kudos to you wonderful ladies, for the laughs and extremely :devil: delightful Nick pics/themes. I might post again, sometime. Just needed to send a shout-out to all of you for making it possible to keep me sane and get a Nick fix, all at the same time. :)
Good morning ward :)

Welcome to bookgirl20 and whooftah :) Pull up a chair and make yourselves comfortable. We usually don't bite except a certain georgeous Texan. See McStokes for your official ward girl handcuffs :D they do come in handy from time to time :p Feel free to participate in our theme game and as blackflag said if you have any questions please ask. If we can't help one of the mods should be able to help :)

And speaking of the theme thanks to Babs and blackflag for suppling some loverly pics. I'm sure blackflag figured that I would select this as the winner and she was correct. You probably figured I couldn't resist :D So congrats blackflag Nick is back in your tender care :devil:
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