George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Winner time!

Runners up:
Jacquie Cute! hmmm is that a real fingerprint...interesting... :)
Yoshi Just barely black and white, but worth being a runner up anyway
Blackflag It's black, it's white, and it's won with me before. Beautiful!
Jacquie Believe it or not there seems to be a fair bit of black and white in the pic...ladies? are you listening? Oh nevermind- look at the blasted button. :devil:
Yoshi Ooh Nick looks fierce! sigh

And the winner is Blackflag New to me, and Nick looks so cute confused.
Goody, Goody, I won! :lol: I hadn't seen that one before Jacquie posted it in one of my themes. :lol:

Lets see - New theme ..........

I want to see Nicky outside, at a crime scene, during the day. Limit of 12, winner in ?. (Probably around 27 - 28 hours but I'm not sure. :rolleyes:)

Congrats Blackflag on winning :D
I am getting My nicky fix early this morning, got a very long day ahead of me....*hates teaching religion classes*
i think i might need some cookies too!! :lol: :lol:
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