George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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OnlyTruth said:
Jacquie that wasn't the pic I was expecting to see from that scene! I like it and I didn't have it in my photobucket (now I do ;)). I think your last pic qualifies as a "ward favorite" too!

I realize now that that is not the pic everyone is use to seeing. I like this one better as it is softer looking and Nick's eyelashes are showing :) And you are correct the second is definitely a ward favourite as well.

Here are the rest of my theme pics

a different colour light on the flashlight
checking out a fire
you can just make out the tip of the flashlight
checking out a wall
flashlight and a bunch of taxis
not realizing a car is about to crash behind him
Afternoon ladies :)

blackflag, I think you said you were looking for some more rear views (aren't we all? ;) )

I have these from Evaluation Day, hope they're ok for you. I'll scroll back to see who else was looking as well.


He knows what we've been looking at. :D
Perfect Yoshi. That's exactly what I've been looking for. :D Like Jacquie said, I have a little thing for his backside these days. :D

McStokes, it sounds like we might have to start using some of our handcuffs on you. Just to save Nicky a little bit of trouble mind you. :lol:

Rest of my theme pics:
Seems awful dark for swing shift!
Clothes dryers don't come equiped with lights. (I wish they did sometimes :rolleyes:)
Ovens do come with a light, but I guess he needed more.
I'm not exactly sure he actually needed the flashlight, but it looks good so ...
Yah, those are nice looking latex gloves.
Another one of those Ward favorite pics.


ETA: Snagged all 3 of those Yoshi. Ended up making an Evaluation Day subalbum to my season 1 album. :D
Hi everyone...Just around to annonce the winner, My youngest is getting theeth so not much time before he start crying again ;).., it was hard...but after a lot of drooling and thinking...I go for

Blackflag Its a fave of mine, don't ask me way there is something about that picturen..congratz on winning blackflag...Nick is on his way over to you...
OOOhhhh, I won. Wasn't expecting that. I used just about all the flashlight pics that I had. Only have 2 or 3 left and you don't see the flashlight very good in them. :lol:

Yahoo's main page is freezing my computer today. Lucky for me my brother put a direct link to their e-mail up so I can go in that way. I just have to remember not to click on Home. :(

New theme ..........

Since we've do hot all the time what I want is George, Nick, and Co looking like he is cold. Limit 12, winner in 24 hours.

Congrats blackflag :)

Chilly Nicky huh?

Pic 1 jacket envy lol
Pic 2 wouldn't mind that jacket myself
Pic 3 well it looks like it's cold in there
Pic 4
Pic 5 you'll be needing some help to get out of all those layers...
Pic 6 gotta be chilly for a beany
Lots and lots of our Nicky in tonights epi, lots of new picture opportunity. He looks so fine in jean and black.

aww...Nick is lurking......he can lurk around me any time!!! :lol:
Not sure about Nick being chilly - but it's freeeeeezing here tonight.

Pic 7 desert at night = cold
Pic 8 with your collar up like that, you're either cold or Elvis
Pic 9 this looks like it was taken in my neck of the woods - rainy and grey :D
Pic 10 yup - gotta be cold
Pic 11
Pic 12 fake desert nights get cold too lol
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