George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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OK - you get this gift in honour of your inventive posting which has just made me smile til my cheeks hurt :D

Very nicely done.
Good Morning Ward :)

This was certainly not an easy theme to choose from as there was just tooo tooo much arm, open Nick and general shirt porn. I have narrowed the pics down to the final six but it's still hard deciding :) But I'll give it a go :lol: So here are the runners up

Yoshi I think these shots were from a TV guide article about CSIs. Certified Sexy Individuals :)
bookgirl the startled look on the face adds to the hotness of this
blackflag this will become one of the years favourites and it was only the second Nickisode :)

Now the next three are all serious open Nick pics and you know me :lol:
bookgirl THUD
Yohsi double THUD. I wonder if GE realizes what he does to us when he adds that extra button :devil:

The winner is blackflag Nick is just inviting me to come and open that other button :D I'm on my way :) So congrats blackflag Nick will keep you company for the day and night :)
Bookgirl, loved your narrative. How do you keep your brain working so good by the end of the week to be able to do that? I'm lucky if I remember what day it is come Wednesday. Come Friday I'm lucky if I can come up with little one line things for my posts.

I don't think that you've resisted that pic yet Jacquie. I think I've won with it at least 3 times now. :lol:

New theme ..........

I think I'll go for my favorite color - blue. Yes he can be wearing it but it can also be something else in the pic that is blue. Limit 12 winner in anywhere from 24 to 28 hours.


ETA: For those who want to know over in the spoiler pic thread there are two new pics of Nicky. #1 and #3 I think it was (was just over there snagging them and I don't remember. :eek:)
Thanks for the gift Yoshi!
I'm glad you ladies enjoyed my story. I was just trying to have some fun after a LONG day at work.

My theme pics:
just blue
blue shirt
blue background I feel a little like this is cheating because practically EVERY background on this show looks blue. Is it just me?
blue jeans Not on Nick however. Ok truth is I just really wanted to post this pic cause I just found it.
blue water :)
blue stripped shirt check out the look Warrick's giving Nick. I love it!
Finally get to sit down. Would have been here sooner except my brother said he'd be here at noon and got here at 1:20! :mad:

Winner Time:

Runners Up:
Babs - I think I keep doing blue just to keep seeing this pic.
Babs again - He's just so adorable when thinking.
Jacquie - Just think of what one more undone button would look like. :devil:
bookgirl - I never noticed the look on Warrick's face before. (because I never actually looked at Warrick :lol:)
Jacquie again - Love the way he's standing there.

The winner is:
bookgirl - Blue is my favorite color. And there's deffinately a lot of blue there. Congrats bookgirl, Nicky's now in your hands. Have fun.

Well done bookgirl. :D

Sadly had to sit that one out thanks to the week of hell that's been work (bookgirl I feel your on call pain lol). I like blue themes - he looks so good in that colour.
Happy Ward Dance! What a way to end an on-call weekend. :)
I like the color themes, they always provide a wide range of pics, especially since you ladies are ever so creative. So I'm going to choose one too. Lets do black and white. Nick, George, etc can be wearing it or it can be represented somewhere else in the photo. Limit 12, winner in about 24.
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