George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Posting at work so as to not make you ladies wait too long. Especially since you came through with so many loverly pictures.

In no particular order:
Blackflag I don’t have this one, but I’d heard of it. It’s like a George urban legend come true!
Jacquie I think that you know I love this picture. I’m so transparent.
Yoshi It makes so many of us happy.
Jacquie Who would have ever thought that a simple pic of Nick kneeling to collect evidence would cause the Ward to collectively drool on cue?
Blackflag I was waiting anxiously for it to show up!

And the winner is: Yoshi A perfect example of all kinds of good porn in one package.
Afternoon Ladies :)

I really have got to stop this RL stuff interfering with my Nick time. :rolleyes:

Whilst me and Nick get some alone time I'll set the next theme. I'd like to see some cool shots of Nick/George wearing his sunnies. (Horatio eat yer heart out ;) :D)

Posing for the Ward.
Hi, congratz on winning Yoshi...Could not play last theme, and this theme neither, little busy...till next theme I hope...
blackflag I know what you mean about waiting until 9. The week that's past seems to be about 10 days long and not 7 :lol: I can't remember when but I saw a different clip than they showed at the end of last weeks episode and it looked soooo good :)

Here are the rest of my theme pics

checking to see if we have blood
glasses and a loverly profile
unless I missed this I'm surprised nobody posted this
glasses with a nice smile
if they call this a cherry picker why isn't there a cherry tree around :D
reflection of sun glasses
Hi ya'll no themepics but I have caps from Nicky in A la Cart, enjoy...Just CLICK HERE

okay something weird happend, the numbers are not right, so its a litte mess sorry for that I fiks it tonight...
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