George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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bookgirl20 said:
You know I never really noticed Nick's neck till i found the ward.
I'm trying to decide if that makes you ladies a bad or good influence on my CSI watching.

Sorry to be such a corrupting influence bookgirl.

Actually - no I'm not. :p

My life these pics are good. :D
Yoshi are you sure you want to go back to work on Monday. You could always call in with the 24 hour Nick flu :)

bookgirl I would think that we are a bad influence on each other :lol:
Afternoon Ladies :)

First day back at work today - ugh! Could have been worse - had a meeting at the end of the day cancelled so I managed to leave early. Yay for me! :D

So - the results. I have to say that this has been an absolutely wonderful theme to have to ponder on. Not that there's ever a bad one - but this produced some seriously hot pics, some of which I was seeing for the first time.

In no particular order:

Jacquie I'm assuming season 6, not seen it before - I'm developing a thing for the slightly longer hair (only slightly mind - the buzz still rules ;) )
You also posted this one as well - I remember naming that one - not sure if I was thinking about that vibrating bed or not lol.
blackflag I don't have this - yum - and there's something for everyone in this of yours as well :D

bookgirl this was an extremely close second cos I likes the face fuzz too :p

But the winner is Babs. I hadn't seen this before and the gasp was audible when I clicked the link. Oh, and the smiley was never more so appropriate. Absolutely Georgeous. :D

So enjoy Nicky - he's been an absolute pleasure.
:eek: I won again :D Don't you wanna be a vampire when you see that neck ;) :devil:

Okay lets see new theme...Well after the armporn, the neckporn how about some oldfashion eyeporn :)....12 is the limited, be back in about 28 hours..happy hunting ;)...I am going to enjoy Nicky now :devil:
Hey guys,

anybody who care even a little about Sara Sidle and Jorja fox, pls help us spread the news, alert the media, join the campaign (Dollars for Sense), write letters...anything... We would have all done the same thing for any other cast members. Team chemistry is crucial to the show.
Everyone We are attempting to get a handle on this and for those who are thinking of trying this method you too will be officially warned. Please keep in mind the thread that TBonz posted regarding Solicitation, if you haven't read it I suggest you do so. We ask that people please keep moving and return to the topic of this thread.
Jacquie said:

On the question the ugly shirt comes from A Little Murder

hey, dont dis the shirt. :p i an a fan of the shirt. maybe not nicks style but i can look past that and appreciate the uber tight, muscle hugingey goodness :devil:
Congrats on the win Babs, and nice theme choice!

Theme pics:
eyes 1 I just can't resist the scruff
eyes 2
eyes 3
eyes 4 And isn't that sweet? They provide his name in case we get so lost in the chocolatley goodness that we forget it.
eyes 5
eyes 6 oh man, where's my drool bucket when i need it?
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