George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Hi all :D

I'm so ecsited about new Nick!! may i ask what kind of hair he has this season?

and i'll try to post more once the new season starts!!


oh and love the pics!!!
Hey NSF! About the hair, we have been assuming that it will be the same as at the end of last season, since the episode on 9-27 picks up right where the finale left off. There are some promo pics out there that can answer the question for those who really can't wait until next week :p (Okay, I'll admit I checked out the promo pics - but that's all I've done - I haven't read any spoilers or watched the promo or anything else).
Hey Blackflag, you should try going "spoiler free." It was hard, I will admit, because I really wanted to know what was coming up for Nick, but in the end, I like it much better. The spoilers are always so vague and often misleading. The episodes are really alot better if you aren't expecting any particular thing and can really appreciate things as they happen.
There is no doubting that this man does dress up very nice. :D

Between the kids and the fact that the spoilers are 4 or 5 episodes ahead of the one that they're actually airing, I don't remember much by the time I see it. I'll post things that I've found in the spoiler threads but I don't read too much of it because they seemed to be doing an awful lot of fighting and very little respecting others opinions. In other words I prefer it over here. ;)

Rest of my theme pics:
He could give Eric a few lessons about dressing for special functions.
I think this was the TV Guide awards?
I think someone said this is from his Savannah days.
I'll always like him in blue.
Another blue shirt!
I know it's from Savannah, other than that I know nothing. :lol:

Again...I was getting hot flashes...whew, he is so tasty! Yummy! That first one...oh my...sorry, I'm a sucker for a man in a suit. Especially a man as intelligent and kind as George Eads. ::Le Sigh::

Thanks again,

blackflag said:
I'll post things that I've found in the spoiler threads but I don't read too much of it because they seemed to be doing an awful lot of fighting and very little respecting others opinions. In other words I prefer it over here. ;)

We maybe Nick obsessed but we are kind to each other. I think McStokes actually had to have a knife or two removed from her back last year when she ventured into those threads :lol:
Hi Catwoman :)

I leave most of those threads alone cos it can get a bit nasty at times. Spoilers don't bother me too much as we're a few months behind the initial air dates and I forget. Although if there's some pics I can't help but snag them and then go 'ahaa' when something looks familiar on screen. :D
Hello Ward! How has Friday been treating you all?
Mine has been beautiful because of the wonderful pictures you've been posting.

The runners up in no particular order:
Jacquie He looks so cute with the loosened tie
Blackflage I think most every man looks good in a tux. George takes it way beyond good.
Yoshi Hello dimples!
Yoshi Rocking the suit on the witness stand
Jacquie Even though its not for a special occasion he looks very spiffy

And the winner is- Blackflag I also love him in blue, and haven't seen this picture before. Winner!
Congrats on winning blackflag :) I just notice how low those buttons are in that pic :D GE being more of dare devil that Evel :)
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