George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Yah, this is windows 98. It's a computer originally bought in 95 that's been updated enough to be running windows 98, word 2000, and internet explorer 6.0 (luckly that allows it to run Victoria's disk for school!). The newest things on it are some of my games and the McAfee VirusScan that we had to get in 2006 because we were infected with some sort of worm!

Thankfully at tax time next year my mom expects to get enough refund to get a new computer. She needs a DVD drive which we don't have. :lol:

I don't drink coffee (or tea for that matter), but that doesn't stop me from liking those pics. I always thought that he had a pretty good grip on that coffee cup at the end of Mea Culpa.

I fell asleep watching Rashomama on SPIKE last night! :( Gone are the days where I could stay up till midnight. :rolleyes:

Rest of my theme pics:
Laughing with Sara over being above ground.
Laughing because he's telling Warrick and Greg all about us. :lol:
Laughing because everybody here was pretty much drunk! (either that or more clueless than usual) :D
Laughing because Sara had the gall to tell that guy that he wrote a fluff piece.
Laughing because he was forced to wear that hat! :rolleyes:
Laughing because he knows that Nick is thick headed.

^Don't feel bad. I fell asleep as well. Can't wait for the DVDs so I can watch where I was the next day...or watch in slow mo when they cut that shirt off of him. :lol:

Great pics, y'all. You've made my morning. :)

Take care,

Evening everyone :)

Loverly pics as always ladies :) Here are the runners up

Babs so cute
blackflag I wonder how long he's had this t-shirt :lol:
bookgirl I could dance like this, I think :D
blackflag oh was Nick laughing :lol:
Yoshi a very close second and you would have won if

blackflag hadn't snuck this in. I just loved this scene. So congrats blackflag Nick is headed back to you :)
I had a feeling you'd go for that one Jacquie. I remembered you saying that you liked that scene once before. :lol: I'll try to enjoy my time with Nick, but it might be hard. Today and tomorrow we're supposed to have near record heat! :eek: He may end up a little tired this time. :devil:

New theme .......... How about an oldie but goodie - profile. Limit of 12. Winner sometime tomorrow, but I don't know exactly when. We have to go buy some food, and the oil company is coming to check the furnace so it will probably be closer to 30 hours from now.

Congratulations blackflag :D

At a friends overnight so not sure if I'll have time for this theme. I may sneak on later when the wine's flowing and I can take over the pc for a bit. :D
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