George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Hi evening all...Thnx for the great pics again ;)...

In randsom order. I dont have much time sorry so just the names loved all the pics ;)

Jacquie again

yoshi It was a close call yoshi ;)

but the winner is Jacquie I love that pic, dont ask me why there is something about it...Congratz Jacquie, Nick is on his way over....enjoy ;)
Oh wow I won again :) I wasn't expecting that though I do like that pic from Evel and I will never say no to a day with Nick :D OK new theme time. Lets see pics of Nick and company with something in their hands. The usual 12 in 24. Happy Hunting :)
No theme pics this post. I found some more Nick pics from the Built to Kill period. They're taken the same time as the last bunch and they aren't exclusively Nick, but he's there and and I thought you'd like to peek and snag as you see fit if you don't have them already - I'm a little slow to find this stuff sometimes :D

Click me.

I know - too much time on my hands, but I'm on annual leave and my OH is abroad so I get to spend time mooching around doing what I want. It's great :lol:

Off to find theme pics for later. :)
Good evening ladies :)

blackflag I'll grab a couple of those chocolate chip cookies for dessert :)

Well I've narrowed the pics down and here are the runners up

bookgirl I know what my hands would like to do :D
blackflag I haven't seen this before
Babs a helping hand :lol:
blackflag I don't think any one will be surprised at this one :D
Yoshi Oh is there a gun here :lol:

And the winner is bookgirl Nick is training a future CSI here :) Congrats on winning bookgirl Nick is headed your way now. Enjoy :)
Happy Ward dance - I won!

And there's cookies too! Yippee. :D

Ok I hope this isn't too restrictive but I want Nick/George/the usual suspects dressed up.
Suit, tie, jacket, whatever, just looking sharp. :)

I was so giddy I forgot to add 12 in 24!
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