George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Yoshi I was just getting ready to post when you snuck in. You made me go back and stare at Nick pictures for a little longer. Jeez the torture!

Great pictures ladies, you're all so creative.

Don't worry Nicky arrived and remains healthy, though I could always keep him quarantined here at my house if anyone's worried about getting sick. I’d make the sacrifice for the health of the ward ladies.
No? Well I tried.
It was nice to have Nick all to myself on a weekend, but I guess I'm ready to hand him over to the well deserved victor.

Runners up:
Jacquie I love this shot, even if it is just his silhouette
Blackflag Very cool photo! Beautiful and artistic
Stoky Angelic- but he looks like a troubled angel
Yoshi What if he tripped and got all wrapped up in his string and couldn’t free himself and needed some ward girls to assist and… *remembers the stories of Destiny's hose* sorry. Sometimes good pictures take me to a crazy place.
Blackflag Creative and it makes me feel like the stalker I'm trying not to be :)

And the winner is: Jacquie! Speaking of Stalkers...I was watching this last night and thought to myself - if someone posts that pic they're so going to win. And look I was right!
Oh the joy of coming home from a afternoon and evening out and finding out I won! I've always liked those interrogation room shots of Nick from Stalker. You can really feel for Nick in those scenes. Poor guy. Come here Nick and I'll give you a huge hug :) So onto a new theme. Since Nick and I will be working all day Monday I think I need something easy for the eyes and what could be easier than some good old fashion porn. The pics can be of George, Nick or company. The usual 12 in 24. Happy Hunting :)
Good evening ladies :) and oh what a good evening it is with all the loverly porn bookgirl you got the idea of porn very nicely :) OK I've narrowed it down to the final six.

The runners up

blackflag Have you ever noticed where the camera is hanging :D
blackflag again. Oh this is a very tempting offer :D
YoshiOh to rip open that button that wants to pop open :D
bookgirl Pool Boy :)

And the two finalist go to Ba bs They are jsut so yummy and ......... :devil: So congrats Babs Nick is on his way over to you. Enjoy
Nice to hear from you McStokes. Was beginning to think that the criminal element in NY was keeping you too busy. :lol:

Jacquie, it's way too early in the morning for my mind to work that way. You did make me go back and look at the pic, it took me a few minutes to see what you were talking about. :lol:

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