George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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that first one is the stupid cop that let him get kidnapped
couldn't keep his damn supper down for five minutes... grrr
the best one's are w/ sofia
Actually the first photo in my last post is the sheriff from the episode Gumdrops.
This is the nausea challenged officer from Grave Danger.

I'm sure they both have names, but honestly it was pushing the limits of my brain to remember Vega tonight.
Good Morning Ward :)

Ah what a lovely day it is today. A clear late summer day and what makes it better is it's only 2 weeks until season 8 starts :) :) :) Can you tell I'm excited :lol:

bookgirl the cop's name from Grave Danger was DA. I don't know if he had a last name. Something tells me if he did it was Michaels. He also appeared in season 6 opener Bodies in Motion.

memories of warm summer days
blackflag nice avatar by the way :) I'm not overly fond of Cavalier after the way he treated Nick in Compulsion. Nobody treats our Nick unfairly and gets away with it.
Afternoon Ladies :)

I've had to delve deeply into my photobucket for these as most of the ones I have have been posted already.

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3 cops, coroners and assorted medics - and Nick :D
pic 4 Brass is there honest - it's the 'here kitty kitty' growl moment *swoon*
pic 5
pic 6

Nice to see you back Stoky. :)
Hi Ward :D and big hug around here. Jaqcuie it´s nice theme, but i must wait for next game, i haven´t enough Nicky with cops :rolleyes: most pics from Nicky are with him alone

thanks Yoshi for the warmheart greeting :)

these day start the 7. season here in germany, oh men, what for a serious progress. I really can´t await the 8. and i´m so excited of the new epis :D i think this evening i must go off a bit earlier i have a feeling i´m 100 years old :rolleyes: get this day a vaccination and now i´m so tired. So i hope tomorrow is better. unless, when i´ve watched Nicky this day my feeling after them, getting better :D
Jacquie, I stared at that pic the entire time I was eating dinner last night so I figured I might as well use it. :D

I do wish that we'd done some of this painting in the last 8 years that we've lived in this house. My right arm is getting tired of painting things that haven't been painted since we moved in 8 years ago! :eek:

Rest of my theme pics:
Was it your motorcycle that did this?
Nicky and Vartann are waiting for you to come online.
Not a meeting place I'd choose, but I do like the view. :D
Nick and Brass are just standing around waiting for you.
They decided to go for a stroll around the block.
My only pic with an identifiable uniformed officer of some sort!

Brass and Vartann seem to be my favorites, if I go by the pics that I have. :lol:

In over 9 pages of pics from season 7 I only have 1 pic with a cop/detective in it in which that person didn't show up as a blurry blob. And I didn't use it. :lol:

blackflag when you're finished painting your house would you like to come and visit and do our house :D We've been here 18 years and have done nothing. Neither my hubby or I are what you would call motivated. Throw in 4 cats and that should be real fun :lol:

Since it appears everyone that was going to post has done so I will go ahead and announce the winner. There are some pics that I was expecting to see and didn't and then some that I hadn't seen before. So here are the runners up

bookgirl I did like Vartann. I would be kicked out of Canada if I didn't like a Canadian :lol: Alex Carter's from Toronto :)
Yoshi so is it surprising I picked another Vartann one :)
bookgirl again. Sigh. I wish I was Sofia
Babs I just like it :)
Yohsi Nick looks like a deer caught in the headlights :lol: That being said I did snag it for my collection

And the winner is blackflag When hasn't a cap from this episode won a theme :) So congrats blackflag Nick is on his way to help you with the painting. Oh those lovely muscles working and of course you would have it so hot that Nick might have to do topless painting :D Oh the images :devil: Jumps into a cold shower to cool down.
Oh goody, goody, I won. And with the only one of Vega I had that wasn't already posted. :lol: Nicky will be just in time to help paint the ceiling in what we call the "craft room" otherwise known as a catch-all room. It's a good thing he's not too tall as it has one of those slanted ceilings. I don't want him bumping his head into fresh white paint! :D The loverly thoughts you put into my head, Jacquie. Nick, ceiling, shirtless... :devil: Unfortunately the high tomorrow is only 64 degrees. :(

New theme ..........

How about Nicky and a lab rat. You can use Greg but make sure that it is early enough that he is a lab rat (seasons 1 through 4 to make it easy). Limit of 12 winner in about 24 hours. Happy hunting. ;)


Don't ask me why I want to see the lab rats. I had back-to-back Lab Rats last night. First on SPIKE then on CBS (after the president that is).
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