George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Winner Time.

Your runners up:
Babs - I figured out that I don't have to look for Grave Danger pics. I just snag the ones I want when everyone else posts them. :lol:
Yoshi - Arm porn! What arm porn? This is a well composed pic. :D
Jacquie - You knew I couldn't resist this scene!
bookgirl - I do so love those eyes.
bookgirl again - I love when we get new blood in the ward. You bring pics I don't have with you. :lol:

The winner is:
Yoshi - Another pic I didn't have. I don't know what it is about his face in this pic that has me just staring at it. I knew the instant I saw this one and bookgirls pic from Big Middle that one of them was going to be the winner. I just had a hard time deciding which one. :lol:


That was most interesting. While doing this post LinkSys (my wireless link) started telling me some parameter was wrong. I had no problems in making the post but had to reboot the computer so the little box would go away. I've never had that happen before. :confused:
Yay I won! :D

Thank you muchly. Just the lift I needed after a rather long and frustrating day at work - I really worry for our mental health care system. Anyway.

New theme - going all out for the pretty here - I want arm porn and I want it now. Don't care if it's been covered recently (don't think it has tbh), but I'm sure everyone has their favourites to post, so get 'em out ladies. :D

Something to tide us over.
Congratulations bookgirl :D

Fantastic pics so far Ladies - you just want to reach out and..well....anyway.

...and blackflag, I was looking at the arms :eek:
*wonders if that was entirely convincing* ;)
Evening Ladies :)

Sorry for lateness - had a night out - it's been a while lol.
This theme has been sooooooo good. That man's arms......:devil:

Jacquie Never have so many caps been taken from such a short amount of footage lol.
blackflag can I do what Cath's doing please?
bookgirl one of my 'new-to-me' favourites.
blackflag I first got this pic from you and I love it. :)
bookgirl this was so co close to winning. His arms look delicious and his hands look huge! :p

Jacquie has won with this pic. This set is new to all of us and I'm enjoying seeing hiw wear something a little different - and the wristband will always catch my eye - and my breath :D

Returning Nick to you - he'll need drying off after the swim. ;)
Oh happy ward dance I won :) Mind you my feet are too tired to dance tonight so Nick and I have other plans :devil: Yoshi thanks for those pics. I had fun going through them :) So next theme. How about Nick and a cop. The cop can be a uniform or a detective. the usual 12 in 24 hours. Happy hunting :)
Howdy Ward :)

first congrats on winning Jacquie :) that´s sooo cute pic and have deserved for winner pic *sigh* he looks so cute on it. than thanks for askin McStokes and me, think our dear McStokes has a lot things on working *sigh* poor and my best wishes for you ;) and me, oh dio meo, yes sorry, have a lot of problems, my sweety is very sick and need much of help, also i have lot things to do, it´s not easy but i like it ;) it´s ok, i was a bit ill the last week and need rest, now i feel better and i can´t await the new season *sigh*

so i hope now it´s going on a bit calm here, i never forget you believe me, i like and loves y´ll *must giggles* my sweetie sai "y´ll" so often and give me NY slang as lession, also the howdy ;) and big hug around from him to y´ll :)

and Jacquie i don´t know if you are faster than me now *lol* but i will send a delicious Nicky pic ok and wait for new theme ;)

that´s for y´ll and congrats for Jacquie
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