George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Knew you'd find one you liked Yoshi.

Back a couple of themes ago when we had Nicky and a weapon. I forgot about this one. How about Nicky and a Samurai sword. :D I completely forgot about this scene. Nick's face is funny in this pic and Sara looks a little scared. :lol:

There were no problems in school for the kids on this first day of school. It was all in coming home. Christopher's bus was over half an hour late and we are lucky that there are 2 of us here because at 3:00 someone has to go get Victoria because she can't ride the bus. The JR. High School is less than 2 miles away so they won't issue her a bus pass! :mad: (She's technically a special ed student and there are 2 busy streets that she can't cross. :()

Good evening ladies. Sorry about the delay but real life interfered. All the pics were wonderful as always but I picked this loverly pic from Yoshi as the winner. So congrats Yoshi Nick is back in your capable hands :)
Ahhh - I need some Nick at the moment. :)
Hope everything is ok Jacquie.
Yes - I bagged an avatar from TC. I was really lucky that it's one of my favourite shots as well - thank you ladies for your help there.
Ok, new theme. How about Nick/George with accessories! I'm thinking sweatbands, wristbands, jewellery - anything he wears that's not regular clothing (or irregular for that matter lol). I hope that makes sense - it sort of does in my head. :D
I'll be back in just over 24 hours before I go away for the weekend.
A big grin for the Ward before I wander away with Nick. :)
Good day everyone :)

Yoshi time will tell. My mother-in-law, who is 82 and a diabetic is having some problems. She fell last week and broke her shoulder and then fell again yesterday afternoon. So at the moment we aren't sure what will happen with regards to accommodations. The house my in-laws live has a lot of stairs and that is her problem. Thanks for asking :) By the way Yoshi nice avatar :)

Now back to the business at hand and that is drooling over George and Nick :)

sweatband on the left wrist
a chain to keep his wallet in place?
more of the mystery chain
a wrist band :D
a wrist band and the chain
the ring
Evening ladies. Hope everyone has had a good day. :)

Thank you for all the lovely pics - some new ones for me too which is even better. :D

Jacquie I like that this pic has a multitude of theme uses. :D
blackflagI have a headshot of this but not full length. I do like the wristband.
Babs I had to have this one - can't think why. :p
Jacquie just a beautiful shot. :)
bookgirl nice buzz growing out.

..and tonight I'll be sending Nick over to blackflag because I don't have this pic and it has arm porn and my favourite goatee. He looks really relaxed too.

I'm not about for a few days now as we're off to Somerset for a ruby wedding anniversary celebration. I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend, and I look forward to some Nick pics to linger over on Sunday night. :D
AHHH! Just what I need - Nicky! :devil:

Just had an assault on my ears. Been to see another racecar (they finally seem to realize that there are fans in Massachusetts), Matt Kenseth this time. Got to see them load it on the trailor, man those things are loud! :eek:

New theme - lets see..... How about Nicky outside at a crime scene. Limit of 12, winner at about this time tomorrow. :)

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