George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Babs I think that your last one (from GumDrop) is my favorite pic of all time - I am glad someone else thinks it is good too.
Jacquie, you were wondering where Vartann was. According to Ultimate CSI he's still around we just don't get to see him. They say that Vega at some point transferred, O'Riley retired in 2003, and Vartann came in in 2003 but that's all they tell you.

Rest of my theme pics:
My first non-Nick pic. I fell in love with the smile in this one.
The arms! (and I'll leave it at that)
The smile. Had to have this one the minute I saw it.
Use your imagination. I'm sure you'll figure it out. :D
Just look at that face!
The eyes, such nice puddles of chocolate.

OK - there's 12. I could add a bunch more, but then it would take you too long to look through. :lol: I think a majority of them you probably expected, but hopefully I surprised you with at least a couple of them.

blackflag I would have no problem looking at pics of GE and company all night :) It would be such pleasant dreams :D

I've managed to narrow it down to 6 so here are the runners up in no particular order

bookgirl20 it's always nice to cuddle up with something soft :)
blackflag let me guess it was the gun you like :D
OnlyTruth drool
OnlyTruth again. I can watch this scene over and over and over.
bookgirl20 again. This was a close second. I do like this collection of photos.

And the winner is Babs Angry Nick won over everyone else. He was so hot in this scene. Congrats Babs Nick is on his way to visit you. Enjoy :D
i'm trying to find a picture with george in it when its raining and i think the only episode where it rains is $35K OBO but i was wondering if anyone has a picture from it or another episode let me know thanks
NicksSexyBabe the other episode that had rain in it was Fallen Idols. It did rain while they where filming Fallen Idols, you can tell by the pavement, but whether it was actually raining when George was filming his scenes who knows.

Fallen Idols #1
Fallen Idols #2

Thats all I have but if you check Babs site and the other sites that have pics you may find more.
:D I won...Okay I pick a new theme and then gonna enjoy Nicky :devil:

Let me think its hard...I like to see pics of Nick and Grissom and tell me where they talk about ;)....Happy hunting...Now I am gonna enjoy Nicky.....
NicksSexyBabe said:
i'm trying to find a picture with george in it when its raining and i think the only episode where it rains is $35K OBO but i was wondering if anyone has a picture from it or another episode let me know thanks
Look into my photobuckets or on my site.

Look HERE or HERE or on
I'm pretty sure it's yahoo. I could get on just about anything else online. They finally stopped acting up and I could get on my e-mail. I had 35 messages that were mostly deleted without even looking. Mom ordered a cd that takes a minimum of Windows 2000 and a DVD drive, both of which we don't have so she's talking about a new computer when she gets next years tax refund. :D

Rest of my theme pics:
Hey Griss, I got this new song you gotta hear.
I think I'll stand here and supervise you for once.
Nick. Are you online to the ward girls again?
Sorry Griss. They just like me better than you.
What room you got?
That scared you more than me!

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