George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Hy Ward :D

Bookgirl20 :lol: that´s phantastic and makes me laughing here.

Sorry Ward i can´t make a second set :mad: now my photobucket doesn´t work. When it´s time enough and my photobucket is ok than i make the second.

Wish y´ll a beautiful day
Wow! I didn't know I could do it. Except for 1 I think I actually stayed away from all the season 5 pics. :lol: They were all very tempting though.

Winner time.

Runners up:
Jacquie - Technically it was already a crime scene since the camera and other thingy were already installed. (And - No I couldn't stay away from this one)
bookgirl - Can he be any more adorable when he's looking and thinking?
Babs - I think I was lured to this one just because it was on last night.
bookgirl - Nice new addition to my picture collection.
Stoky - The one I couldn't stay away from. I didn't have it so I had to take it.

The winner is:
Jacquie - Somehow the white open Nick shirts always attract me. But then I think you already knew that. :D

Hy :) and congrats on winning Jacquie :D that´s a good choice Blackflag and i´m happy you like these pic

my photobucket let me not work :( but i´ve found some nice side, so i hope it works here, two pictures for y´ll and i wish a beautiful weekend :D

nice Weekend

with our Sweetie :)
Oh wow I won! Happy Ward Dance and I'm going to make it slow one. More cuddling that way :D Oh what shall I select as the new theme? Hmmmm. Someone did this a while ago but I'm going to try it for my theme. I like to see your favourite pics of George, Nick and Company and tell me why it's your favourite :) The usual 12 in 24. Happy Hunting. come here Nick and sit on my lap for awhile :)
Picking only 12 favorite photos? Jacquie do you know how difficult this is? :eek:
You do! Torturing us while you enjoy Nick all by yourself- man how rude. Not that looking for George/Nick pics could ever truly be torture of course ;)

Ok my first set of theme pics:
Because I'm bookgirl
This pic has everything! Buzz, vest, sunglasses, lovely white open neck shirt, a little arm porn.
“Marriage is a public declaration of love” sigh such a romantic
I love that smile! and the way the guys interact
I don't have a real reason for this other than he’s just gorgeous, and it kind of makes my knees weak
You know when guys get a buzz cut and it starts to grow out a little and if you run your hand against the grain of the hair on the back of their head it feels all kind of cool and soft? This pic makes my hand almost literally feel that. And Nick’s all cute and looking kind of shy
Good Morning ward :)

Yes bookgirl20 it is difficult to come up with just 12 but I would be here all day looking at pics if you posted more. Now that is not a bad thought being here all day :)

checking out the results of the Elimination Game
not impressed that 2 people are taking points away from him
happy that his ward girls are putting the points back in

Nick needs our help if he's going to win again. So far he's leading. Head over to the Misc. Forum and to the Elimination Game to vote for Nick. It's easy even I figured out how to do it :)
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