George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Hey y'all!
Wow...I wish the guys I worked with looked even half as good as GE! Or were half as nice! *sigh* most of the ones I get to deal with are morons.

As an aside...where in the heck does Marg get her clothes? Does she have them spray-painted on each morning?!? :lol:
I won? Serious? :eek: My first - WOO HOO! Thanks Yoshi. :D

I won and I get Nick for the day- hee! What a wonderful end to a wretched day- I'm on call for work and it's 10:30pm here and I just got home. ***runs to the door, to see if airmail has arrived yet. IT HAS!***

So now I get to pick the theme, right? Wow ladies this is harder than I thought. Ok since I'm still relatively new I don't know if this has been done recently but I'd like pictures of Nick in jeans. They don't have to be butt shots (though if they are I'm not complaining ;)). The usual 12, in probably around 22 hours.
I don't think bookgirl20 realized what she was unleashing when she set us off in search of Nick in jeans. I would keep adding more but I've done my 12 and not everyone has finished their 12 yet :) Not everyone has the body to wear jeans but GE certainly does :)
blackflag said:
jeans #12


Now this may be the pic I've been trying to find for awhile but I thought it was in Crows Feet. It may still be but doesn't it look like there's a person in the background with their hand in a rather interesting spot :D
Jacquie said:
blackflag said:
jeans #12


Now this may be the pic I've been trying to find for awhile but I thought it was in Crows Feet. It may still be but doesn't it look like there's a person in the background with their hand in a rather interesting spot :D
I never noticed that before. :eek: It is similar Crows Feet, that's why i took it. It reminded me of that scene in Crows Feet so I had to have it. :lol:

Oh, my, my, MY! I will certainly have nice dreams tonight! And I think I was the sick and demented person who first noticed that little hand there in that picture! (go figure)

Was chuckling all through my class today as I had to teach the proper handcuffing techniques to some newbies...they were all looking at me like I was drunk! It was way too difficult to explain the whole "Ward Girls" things, so I simply smiled mysteriously and told them all to use their investigative skills to find it out for themselves.
Wow ladies! After I posted last night I started thinking - maybe jeans is too limited?
Nope. Never again will I doubt the resources or dedication of the Wardgirls in hunting down Georgeious pictures.

Having said that here are the runners up in no specific order:
Yoshi I think you labeled this picture "yes, please". I really can find no better words.
blackflag This is actually the shot that gave the the idea for the theme. I want to say I don't know what I like about it... :devil: but that'd be a lie.
Yoshi A favorite photoshoot for many a ward girl I suspect.
Jacquie You gotta love a guy hard at work.
Babs Open neck shirt, rolled up sleeves, the ring, the brow AND jeans! So very close to winning.
Call me predicatable, I don't mind. The winner is Jacquie cause...cause I have no words thats why. I'm returning Nick to your capable and all too willing hands.
Good Morning y'all :)

And what a good morning it is too. I won again and I have Nick :D and Nick will be put to good use this evening. It's delivery day and that means sore and tired muscles so I'm looking forward to Nick massages :p

Now for a new theme. I think I'll go for a good old favourite this morning and lets make it Open Nick time. Now if you aren't familiar with that phrase it means open neck shirts :p oh such drool worthy material. blackflag and I renamed open neck to open Nick because we were having trouble spelling neck all the time :D So the usual 12 in 24. Happy hunting. And there are some new caps out there from season 2.

McStokes I'm glad you had fun with your hand cuff class :lol: I had a good chuckle with that one. Oh to see the puzzled looked on the newbies :lol:
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