George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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He so is. :)

Babs, it's nice to have you back! 50 procent is better than nothing! I don't think you've seen what I made for you a while ago, so I'm gonna post it again! For you. :p

Keep the red things going! :D
Marns said:
He so is. :)

Babs, it's nice to have you back! 50 procent is better than nothing! I don't think you've seen what I made for you a while ago, so I'm gonna post it again! For you. :p

Keep the red things going! :D
Marns, thnx sweet I had seen it I thought I said thnx. Sorry sweet but it has bin a strange an busy time...

Blackflag, everything is okay with daniel. Its hard and busy 2 kids now but we get used to it. My oldest is jealous sometimes. But oke he will learn that he has a brother now...
Winner time! Can I get a drumroll? Congratulations.... blackflag! With this gorgeous picture of Nick and a beautiful color red, you win the prize of Nick in your capable hands! :lol:
I really should thank Jacquie for that pic. I've got 2 copies of it and both came from her! :lol:

New theme:
Since the temp's are going to sour around here this week I want Nick/George hot as in hot outside. I know, he's hot in every picture but I want heat as in temperature outside. Limit of 12, winner tomorrow morning.

Off to mow the neighbors yard I go! :)

Keep the theme pics coming.

Found a new pic from the Happy Gilmore premier. He looked so young back in February '96. And I do think he's aging well. :lol:

Also found this one. Don't know what it's from, but I liked the look on his face. Thought it was funny. :lol:

Oh yea blackflag GE is aging nicely :)

Here are the rest of my hot looking pics courtesy of my hubby's computer. I seem to be able to use my computer in the morning with no problems from photobucket but come the afternoon there is an annoying add that my computer can't take and photobucket freezes up Internet Exploder :mad: Thanks goodness for hubby and his computer :)

I don't know if it was hot out but Nick is certainly hot :p
too hot to handle not for us ward girls :D
Mr Cool while still being hot
blackflag's favourite
some hot porn
it looks a little on the hot side here
Blackflag - that's an great theme choice. Except that it's already so hot where I am (100F today, anyone?), that adding HOT Nick pics is going to totally overheat my computer (not to mention my brain). Not complaining, mind you - it's worth it.
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