George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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I think your brain can handle it OnlyTruth, but you do need to think about the computer. Put the A/C in on Friday and my VCR now works. We think it was affected by the excessive heat the other week! :eek:

Winner time:

Your runners up:
Jacquie - I know we like these button front shirts but how can he wear them when they're filming in July, in the desert (and not look the least bit hot)?
Jacquie again - On this one I'll just leave my thoughts to myself. :rolleyes: (sweaty t-shirt :D)
Babs - At least he had the good sense to look like it was a little hot out.
Jacquie yet again - I don't know whether this ones heating things up or cooling things off --- who cares anyways, I'll just stare at it.
Yoshi - Who can resist Spiderman? According to the commentaries it was well over 100 degrees on this airfield and this whole scene with Nick was nothing more than filler. How did this man survive filming it?

Your winner is:
Babs - You can't get any hotter out than burning desert. Granted, the only thing I'm really looking at is the arms! :devil: How strong they look. :p

Great choices blackflag and congrats babs! There all so hot...I'd be lost trying to decide. Lol. So much to stare at, so little time.
blackflag I would think that growing up in central Texas GE would be able to handle the heat. And just looking at him he's hot :) At 10:30 it's 29C outside with an expected high 30C this afternoon. With the heat and humidity thrown in it's suppose to be 37C. I think I'll stay in as much as possible. I'll get the store cats to do the carry outs if I have any today :lol:

Congrats on winning Babs :)
:eek: I won (does happy dance) :p...oke now a new theme...

I dont know if you guys did it lately, I missed a lot....I like to see Nick/George and co with a big smile.....12 is the limited...happy hunting and I'll hope to be back at this time tommorow....
I hate my stupid computer. I had to restart the harddrive (because of viruses that my dumb antivirus wasn't finding) about two weeks ago and lost my arsenal of CSI, GSR, and George/Nick pics. Therefore, I'm stuck restocking. Lol. It's not as fun as it sounds. I'll have to get some more. That's all I had smiling wise for the game, Lol. Stupid computer. *shakes fist at it*
Found some more theme pics. You guys have me addicted...not that I'm looking for an antidote to this addiction anytime soon. Gotta love Nick!

Smile for the camera Nicky

Koala Lover!!

This is the 'I'm hot and I know it' picture

The long hair is soooo adorable

Last one I computer can't handle much more of the hotness. It may over heat. :devil:
He's in *drools* jeans...

This one has nothing to do with the theme but it made me laugh and I just absolutely had to had to share!

Why does he get the George kisses and we don't?
Good evening ladies :)

OT what happened you're playing a theme :D. What you do kick your kids off the computer so you could have some well deserved Nick time :)

SaraGrissom you've got on very nickly to our theme :)

Speaking of theme here are my theme pics

a smiling profile
a happy camera man
a happy guy at a movie premier why don't you do more of these GE.
Shorty wanted to get into the theme
with some serious arm porn

Photobucket is acting up so that's it for tonight. I will not be on in the morning so everyone have a pleasant night dreaming of Nick and have a fun morning :)
Hi, I am a little bit early sorry, but Daniel does not have his day. Now he is a sleep so just in case...I am just around to annonce the winner. It was hard, cause seeing George/Nick smile makes you melt :0

But OnlyTruth you know what I like. I really think Nicky was so sweet in the last episodes of Season 6. You won Nick is in your hands....Congratz
Good afternoon ladies :)

OT you won :D Congrats :)

Ward Girls, Nick needs your help! The lovely allmaple has round 4 up in her Super Summer Showdown in the General Forum. So go over and vote :)

Super Summer Showdown

Now back to our regular drooling :)
Oh, I won! Yeah for me! I feel like a Princess!
Okay - new theme. I'm in a "branching out" kind of a mood. I'm usually totally focused on Nick. So, for the theme, I want pics of NOT NICK. That is - any GE character other than Nick. Do me proud, ward. Find me some good pics.
usual rules - 12 max, about 24 hours (given my schedule tomorrow, probably alittle longer than 24). Have fun!
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