George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Babs! Congratulations! I made something for you, but my internet was off for a couple of days, so I couldn't post! Here you go: It's a boy!

And happy birthday to Maryse! Have a nice day! :)
Congratulations Babs, I'm glad everything went OK for you and your new son. :D

Nice picture Marns, it's cute! And happy birthday Maryse, have a great day...
Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies...very much appreciated

just came in for a quick fill of nice Nicky :lol:
I'm just popping in for a quickie before I have to go out again :D

Marns that pic is soooo cute :)

blackflag and McStokes you can have some of our sun if you would like it. We haven't had rain since Friday and none is in the forecast for the foreseeable future. I'm not complaining but it's not even summer yet and everything has a very dry look and feel to it.
Howdy Ward it´s late and i have not time enough to make the game pic :( next once i´m here ;)

and first :D
Maryse all my best wishes and have a nice and great day ;)

Marns so cute your pic love it i think Babs and the newbie CSI-Fan like them ;)

ok wish y´ll a nice and Nicklious day see you later
Sorry for the delay in picking a winner -- bad storms last night - lost cable/internet access for awhile. :(

Anywhoo, the winner is Jacquie first pic posted for the theme and I kept coming back to it....
Good Morning y'all :) and what a good morning it is. I won! Oh happy ward dance :) And now a new theme. How about lovely pools of deep brown chocolate eyes. The limit is 12 and I will announce the winner in about 24 hours. Happy hunting :)

OnlyTruth I hope the storms didn't cause any damage other than to the dogs nerves.

Destiny Nice to see you :)
blackflag our prayers are with you. If you're having a lot of problems with the niece and nephew this summer maybe you could ask McStokes for some extra handcuffs :lol:
Oh, yeah! I could certainly hand over some extra fact I've a few friends who are already asking for help here, and school isn't out for a few more weeks yet. Things do indeed get interesting when the young 'uns are left to their own devices all summer! Ya know, in a pinch you can always go to home improvement store and get some of those heavy duty plactic zip ties! They work well too! :lol:

I think the Hershey company should ask GE to be their, those eyes are killer!
McStokes said:
Oh, yeah! I could certainly hand over some extra fact I've a few friends who are already asking for help here, and school isn't out for a few more weeks yet. Things do indeed get interesting when the young 'uns are left to their own devices all summer!

I need a load of handcuffs but for security purposes...major food fight yesterday at lunch time...was very crazy...cant wait for school to be out so i can have time to start post some pictures... :lol:
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