George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Not happy times around here. We're getting Psycho a steroid shot to pick up his appetite. The vet finally got to talk to the lab this morning and they say his bone marrow isn't where it should be. They think he has cancer (not feline leukemia). :( All we want to do now is keep him alive through the end of school so we can get the kids accepting of the fact that we have to put him to sleep. :(

As you can probably tell from that what I need the most is to see George/Nick and Co. smiling and happy. Limit of 12 winner sometime tomarrow.

Hy :)

McStokes i´m glad you like the Shorty pic ;)

Blackflag men :( i´m sad, that´s really bad news and when they think he has cancer, couldn´t they exclude all possibility of doubt? Oh men no please so hard, and the kids, i can understand you good and it´s not easy :( i would to like help you big cuddles from me for y´ll
Blackflag i am really sorry to hear that...i know when i almots put my doggie down in october i had to take days off because i was so heart broke. my thoughts are with you

now..i havent been here since thursday.. so so glad to see all these pictures. my kids are done school in a few days so it is hell trying to get them to do anything in class and it's only monday..sont know how i am going to make it to friday
Hi all :D nice to see all of you... or read all you!!

ah George... George George... he's cute, I'll post some pics... just random ones though, becouse he's so cute :D


ok that is all I can do for now :D

oh and I'm so happy my PBR boys, the Brazilians won the 1st ever PBR World Cup!!! I'm happy :D

ok well night all :D
Stoky looking at that last pic of yours I'm glad the fashion police have caught up with GE and told him to undo 2 buttons :)
Hey...was trolling the 'net and came across an image of GE's stepdad. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him. If the picture looks weird it's cuz there was a girl in between them and I cut her out and pasted them back together!

Mom and StepDad
Hey McStokes thanks for the pic. I will now add it to my collection :) GE certainly takes after his mom in the smile department.
Yeah, both he and his sister seem to have taken after their mom! Poor Dad! However, my own Dad knows what that feels like as everyone always comments on how Irish we all look...Dad's of German descent!

His step dad kind of looks like he could be his real dad's brother! Hmmm....! :D
Hy and thanks for this pic McStokes i think George looks more alike then his Father ;) and his Sister yes she looks really alike his Mother. But it´s my meaning ;)

And all of your Family looks more the irish? oh than really poor Dad, the faces our family is good shared :lol: some from mother, some from grandma and only my oldest sister and me we have the face from my Father :lol:
Winner Time! :D

Your runners up (in no particular order)
Jacquie - Who could say no to a nice new pic? I'm not real sure that he's as high on the media these days as he used to be. He seems to do less in the way of personal appearances than he used to.
Jacquie again - I was so happy when Babs came up with these caps.
Jacquie yet again - Raise hands. Who all wishes their name was Mandy now?
Stoky - I just can't resist Snakes.

Here's where it got really hard. Both Stoky and OnlyTruth remembered my favorite photo shoot. so-

The number 2 spot is Stoky - How did you find this in such a close-up of his face? I love it. :D

The winner is - OnlyTruth - This was one of the first George pictures that I found and I fell in love with it the first time I saw it.

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