George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #19

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Good Morning y'all :)

Oh what a way to wake up this morning. Death by drowning in lovely pools of chocolate :) and McStokes GE should definitely be spokesperson for some chocolate company. Sales would skyrocket :) Now on to the runners up

Stoky the wide chocolate look
Stoky again. The I'll stare at you chocolate look
Marns the cute chocolate look
Stoky again. Oh so lovely chocolate look

And I'll let y'all decide which the winner pic is. It's either this blackflag or this blackflag . I can't decide because they are both sooooo drool worthy and yummy. Death by chocolate eyes. So Congrats blackflag you can now have Nick to massage those tense muscles :p you while looking after your niece and nephew
Congrats blackflag!

Jacquie you are a bad influence...thanks to your theme of "pools of chocolate" I ended up buying a huge bag of M&M's and proceeded to eat almost the whole thing in one sitting! :lol:
Mmmmmmm, chocolate. Those were some great theme pics! I love M&M's too, McStokes. But my real downfall is dark chocolate. I know that women are supposed to prefer milk chocolate, but I just love the dark stuff. Anyway, congrats blackflag!

Today is our first day of summer vacation. I think the kids are going to monopolize the computers today....
McStokes, hand over some M&M's. No way will I let you eat all the M&M's. My greatest downfall is chocolate. I guess that is why I love George's eyes soo much. :D

OnlyTruth, they do make dark chocolate M&M's these days. The kids have their own computer (it sits in the kitchen!), and starting Monday we're giving them a strict schedule on when they get to be on it just so they don't constantly ask us to play on the computer. :lol:

Jacquie, I chose the one with the white shirt just for you. I knew it would get your attention. :lol: Personally I'll take the other one (its from Snakes). I found that one and just stared at it for almost 10 minutes. :D

On to a new theme. Something brown. He can be wearing it or something else in the pic it doesn't matter. Limit of 12, winner around 26 hours from now.

No I haven't killed either one of them yet, but the test (on my sanity) could come sometime today! :rolleyes:

blackflag the Snakes pic was added to my photobucket last time you posted it. Nick just looks to lickable in that pic. My preference for chocolate is the milk chocolate variety. I used to eat Smarties when I was younger and will still eat them but I've always enjoyed a Sweet Marie bar. I also love Turtles :)

So we continue our brown theme :)

spidey to the rescue
yep I think Nick's wearing brown here :D
Jacquie said:

Death by drowning in lovely pools of chocolate :) and McStokes GE should definitely be spokesperson for some chocolate company. Sales would skyrocket :)

GE should invent a new kind of chocolate and name it after his ward gilrs...That should be his summer plans :lol: death by chocolate??? Jacquie what a nice idea
Aw i'm sorry I missed it, Happy Birthday Maryse hope it was fun sweety!!

ok now onto the theme I'm going to submitt some pics!!! yeah i'm happy i get to play now!!

ok theme, somthing brown in the shot, is that right?

Brown shirt..... mmmmm
Brown jacket.... mmmm he looks yummy here

is his body considerd a toasty brown?

Kitty is brown
Brown pants? i don't know if there brown... but there his pants :D
Brown-ish shirt....his hair is brown too! love that pic!!!

ok there we go... oh i miss this place :)

bye all :D
NSF and Marns, glad to see you able to come and have some fun. :D

Winner Time.

Your runners up:
nicksarafan2 - Some more pools of chocolate to add to my collection.
Jacquie - Little stoker. Need I say more?
Marns - Just look at that face! I volunteer to cuddle him. :D
Jacquie again - I'm thinking of making an avatar of this. (now that I can!)
nicksarafan2 again - always gotta love the kitties. :)

Your winner is:
Marns Nicky looks a little afraid of hights in this picture. Grissom seems to have that 'who cares, jump anyways' look about him. I couldn't help but to laugh when I thought that. :lol:

Good day y'all :)

Just enjoying a late breakfast outside and the fact that I'm not working today :). Congrats on winning Marns. When I saw that pic I thought it might be the winner :) I now have it for my collection :)
Woo-hoo! I really didn't expect to win.. Now I have to think about a theme.. Um.. What about.. suits? Can be Nick or George. You know the limit is 12, probably a bit more than 24 hours, I might be a little bit later.

And I got pictures..
Number One
Number Two
Number Three
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