George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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At 9:00 last night I ended up watching the Travel Channel and something about going on a cruise. I was soooo bored. Next thursday cannot come fast enough for me.

Marns, technically I think he is saying OOOPS. That pic is from Suckers, when he is pulling the tape lift off the sword thinking he's going to just get a fingerprint and he gets paint. I always though that the face went perfect with his line asking Grissom about the labs insurance.

For a new theme - I want George/Nick/his other characters wearing black. Every time I see another pic of him wearing black, I start to rethink about which color I think he looks better in. :lol: Limit of 12, winner in 24 hours or so.

Afternoon all!
Well, had an interesting night last night. Came home from the class only to see that my husband was not feeling well and was complaining of chest pain. So, without giving him a moment to try and back out of it (he seriously hates doctors and hospitals, and gets panicky just thinking about them), I threw him in the car and took him in the horrendous fog to the ER.

Didn't get home 'til 3am, but he's ok. No heart attack, possibly just reflux. Needless to say we are happy, but tired and now have to run to a bunch of appointments to make sure he really is ok. No work for me today! I'm ready for bed now and it's only 4:12pm here!
Hy McStokes oh men, what a night, but good to hear that all Ok *big hug* And now i hope you can now relax, it´s not easy for you. All my best wishes for you and your hubby :)

Blackflag nice theme :) black is my favorite colour for wear cloth, somebody sais it´s not a colour but i like them it´s nice. I must looking for nice pics :) comes later
Thanks, everyone! He's doing much better today. Took him for bloodwork at the crack 'o dawn this morning, and now I need to get chores done and sleep as I have to go to work this afternoon! It's no fun sleeping when it's so nice outside *pouts*!
Howdy Ward :D

McStokes nice to hear that your hubby is ok and now i hope you´ve good slept. All my thougths are by you this night.

and i´ve called with Softcake she is ok greeting from her to the ward ;) she has a lot to do last week and barley time. all the best wishes also from me

and very big hug and thanks Yurek your random pics so cute and great i love them :D

make my first theme pic
theme pic 1
yummi yummi yummi black :devil:
theme pic 3
he is so hot in black :devil:
theme pic 5
McStokes, tell Sarge that those of us in the ward think you're being worked too hard. :lol: Don't know about down there but we got 50 degrees today so we can get 3 to 6 inches of snow tonight! :eek:

Your runners up:

Marns - Just because I like when they film from a different angle.
Babs - You made some nice additions to my collection of promo shots.
Babs again - AAHHHH! Sooo young.
Yurek - Of all the ep's with the long hair this has to be my favorite.
Stoky - Just watched this on Friday, which makes is one inspiration for the theme.

And your winner is:

Jacquie - Try as I might, my resistance is very low. :lol: Even though I tried to pick something else, and Stoky was a very close second, I just couldn't resist this pic. :D You were deffinately right, it is a favorite.

yeah :D congrats on winning Jacquie and this pic i would take them, but you´re faster :lol: it´s really nice. Give us Ladys new theme ;)

Blackflag thanks :D you like it, yes i´m too, i think we both have same liking ;) black favorite coulour and the Nicky pics :lol: it´s fun. :eek: ouhh and what the matter in your country again snow? *brrrr* hope next days would like better for you sun and warmer :) i blow the good weather from here to you of the other side of the pond. Here today so nice weather ;) sunny and warm and next day more sunny yeah it´s good for Kato and me.

cathwillows i´ve seen your new Avi hey hey it´s really nice :)
nice random pic for Blackflag ... blow good weather from Germany Nicky ;)
Thanks, blackflag...I'll pass that along and see how well that goes over!'s not Sarge, it's the higher, higher-ups that make the schedule and those are the guys I just try to smile and bat my eyelashes at and say "Yes Sir!" to whenever they ask me to do anything!

Wasn't too bad a day, I actually got to work with Sarge today, and I think he was going out of his way to make things easy for me knowing I was working on little sleep and coming down off an adrenaline high after my husband's little scare. I'm home now, and off to bed!
McStokes thank Sarge for looking after you today :) It's always nice to have someone looking out for you.

blackflag I'm soooo glad you liked that pic :) I figured that may have been hard to resist :) So onto a new theme. Lets have pics of George, Nick and co outside and alone. I don't want to be distracted with other people :) The limit is 12 and I hope to announce the winner in 24 hours. So happy hunting :)
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