George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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*sigh* ladies, my computer died at the beginning of the week. and it took my georgeness with it. they were able to bring it back to life, but i lost everything! :eek: no big deal, except for my episodes of savannah that i had on it! :( now i wont get to watch him prance around in those little underpants again.
if you dont mind im going to curl up in a little ball in the corner of the ward with nicky to make myself feel better.
Howdy :D it´s late here but i must look for you Jacquie *hhhmmm* sorry but it´s really quiete here these days. I´m faithful even though i´ve enough problems ;)
and nice theme Jacquie ;) i love it sure Nicky and some other characters alone oh yes i like Nicky alone all the ways yeah :)

her my first theme pic

Jacquie do you attend me to the dinner?
Jacquie! please tell me ... what schall i do
Outside in the Container :lol: *
oh my little sweetheart......... :) Jacquie
where are the Wardlady´s? are you´re here? hmm it´s to thight to hide
hmm that´s really weired

that´s my first :) sleep you´ll very well and hope you´ve very nice Nicky Dreams

eta: *must change was not correct because outside ;)
Morning Ward :D

oh Allmaple *big hug from me* that´s terrible with your computer - damn. And you have Savannah on it? and now lost sorry dear :( some pics we all have think we can you give a little lucky back. I´m searching for some Savannah pics ok ;) is not much but i hope you have little hapiness :)
Good morning ward :)

Stoky I think you'll find it quiet in the ward because alot of people are missing CSI and in the ward's chase Nick. There are a lot of university students that participate here and at least for Canada some of them are starting to wrap up the school year. So when the school the year finishes sometime in April we should see them on here a bit more :)

allmaple so sorry to hear about your computer troubles :( if you want the Savannah links let me know because I believe I still have them :)

now now allmaple thinks will work out for you :)
let me kiss you and make it better
rubber ducky your the one

And now for you wardgirls in England you'll get to see lovely pics like this on Thursday :) enjoy :)
:) thanks Jacquie yes you´ve right, i forgett here are many students i´m older than the most :lol: and i´m glad when next week new epi and april is coming and the most of people come back. The pics are nice :)
i´ve also some for Allmaple

random Savannah pics not best quali but i hope you have little fun ;)
*huggles ward* you ladies are the bestest!
hopefully the thing will cooperate now. doesnt it know i have stokes syndrome and need my daily therapy sessions?? :lol: luckily the return of the computer co incides with the return of csi. *crosses fingers for lots of nicky* :D
Some very good pics ladies. I announce the winner in about 5 hours. So you still have time to enter the theme :)
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