George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Hi, hi, Just walk in to let you know that I am not in for this theme. Dont feel so good at this moment.

Oh and Stoky I also did not hear a thing from Softcake lately
I'm here!
Poking my head in real quick to say hi. I was only able to check in quickly a few times to get my fix of Nicky cuteness before I had to run again. I was at a training class for two days, working doubles and tonight I'm helping out with another class. I'm tired! Luckily the criminals haven't been too bad...must be the change in weather that's kept everyone happy. I did, however, have a nice chuckle to myself when I slapped the 'ol cuffs on someone the other night...In my head I said "this one's for the Ward Girls!" :lol:

Oh, and Sarge said to say hi to all the crazies!

Stoky, thanks for the PM and the thoughts! I'm still thinking of you and Kato every day!
:lol: yeah good to see you McStokes and thanks ;) for your thoughts. You´re poor Lady and training is hard certainly i think. All our thought´s by you McStokes and waves to Sarge :)
Nicky is by you *big hug*
I'm a happy girl (It doesn't usually take much). Beyond Imagination has capped Unfriendly Skies. :D I don't really know why, I just like Nick in this one.

Stoky, my computer froze looking at your Fight Night caps. There are times I wish for a new computer, but I wonder what I'd do if I had one. That week I spent using my brother's I was lost on how to do things, because I'm not used to it. :lol: This one may have it's problems, but I know what most of them are (I just can't fix them).

Blackflag sais
Stoky, my computer froze looking at your Fight Night caps. There are times I wish for a new computer, but I wonder what I'd do if I had one. That week I spent using my brother's I was lost on how to do things, because I'm not used to it. This one may have it's problems, but I know what most of them are (I just can't fix them).
Oh that´s sound not good, your computer is old i´m right? think you must clean the cache direct at the computer and in your browser. Which Browser do you need, the best are Opera or Firefox, i can recommend warmly you. Both Browser are quick and easy. And when you need help, pm me i´ll try to get help you ;)

Ward, for few hrs. i´ve searching however in the world wide web and found nice pics, ok, not the newest but some are looks very unknown for me. After next post i give some randoms :)

ok not new post than i make randoms
cuddeling *sigh*
nice Leather Jacket..... the Jecket? nooo the man in it :lol:
warning Ladys - married pic
funny with moustache
ieeek Nicky

have fun ;)
Finally I'm back on the internet. We've been having troubles with connections in the late afternoon early evening and today it was longer :mad: McStokes good to see the criminal element in New York is behaving themselves and I hope you get to pop in more frequently :) Babs I hope everything is going alright for you and the baby :)

Here are some theme pics that I hope have not been posted. If they have enjoy the view :)
open wide
I knew this would come in handy for a theme
shrug with a funny expression
yuck they better not put peanut butter on the ward menu
yup the filling is still there
poor Adam but it's funny
Hi Jacquie the baby is doing fine, but its real hard and heavy on this moment. My belly hurts when I walk, sleep or wathever. Sleep? hahaha I even dont get any sleep lately oh well in about 9 pr 10 weeks I have something beautiful in my arms ;). You know what they say "the last weeks are the hardest once"
Oookay, I had a hard time choosing, but I did it so here's the 5 runners up in no particular order:

Stoky He looks terrified.. :D
cathwillows Especially the line you put with it- 'cheeeese' I could imagine it.. :D
OnlyTruth It made laugh really hard, his face is really weird! :D
Yurek He is like.. No. Here? :D
cathwillows I-just-did-something-I-shouldn't-have-and now-I'm-trying-to-look-innocent-pic. :D

And the winner is.. blackflag. Perfect! :lol: It looks like he's saying 'Oooooops..' I really laughed hard here! :D Congrats on winning!
Congrats blackflag, I once again missed an entire theme. :lol:

I don't know if anyone has seen this already, but it's a bigger pic of George from the 300 film premiere.

Pretty George :D

Have a good Friday and weekend everyone.
Howdy and Morning Ward :D

Congrats on winning Blackflag this pic is really funny :) give new theme :D

oh, yesterday our tv-channel RTL, canceled the CSI Epi, sure it was an old epi, but that´s not ok :mad: i´m pissed off. Sorry but now i´m feel better. Hope you´ll have had nice night?

Thanks Elsie for the nice pic ;) yes it´s bigger, also my random pics not new, but bigger i think :)
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