George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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Well I'm a couple of hours early and dinner is taking a bit longer to cook so here are the winners. In no particular ored here are the runners up

blackflag Nick's getting ready to spent the night at my house :)
cathwillows sweet
Yurek yes the board is allowed :) It would be better if something else wasn't there :devil:
Stoky aw becareful Nick

And the last two pic go to Babs and Babs . The second of the two is the winner but both are sooooo gooood. So congrats on winning Babs and Nick is headed your way Catch :)
Congratz on winning Babs
we never had a chance right?! ;) those pics of yours were just too good :)
i'm hoping for a creative new theme where i can post more pics than the last time because i didn't have enough outside pics :(
I know you'll be good to our boy :D
hey everyone!

ok.. i just have to say.. LOVE THOSE PICS!! i am the biggest nick stokes/ george eads fan!! HE'S SO HOT!! omgoodness... didn't think a guy could be that hot!! lol
Good morning wardgirls :)

That football pic of Babs was just the right pic :) It's not that often we get pics of GE in his early days :)

Thanks to beyond-imagination I've been adding to my season 1 collection so here are some early Nick to start the day

taking cover behind Brass
a nice profile
looks like he's taking charge here
Warrick let me show you how it's done
an oldie but a goodie

It's interesting to look at pics of GE from the early seasons and then from now. He has matured nicely in acting and in looks over the last 6 1/2 yrs :)
They ARE wonderful! :D Thanks, Jacquie. They made my day a whole lot better. I mean, since when is it normal to make TWO papers a day? (I'm not even sure if I have the right word here. :eek:) School is.. annoying. But, G/N makes my day! Thanks again, Jacquie! :lol:

It's such a sunny and warm day here..
:D I won. Nick just arrived ;) :D

Oke let me think for a new theme. Let's go for those wonderfull eyelashes ;). We all love them ;). 12 is the limited. Tommorow around this time I pick a winner. Have fun...
Hey Jacquie - I'm alittle late posting this because I haven't been on in a couple of days, but thanks for those season 1 pics - the quality of those caps is so much better than the season 1 caps I already have -- now I gotta head over to B-I and snag some more for my photobucket!
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