George/Nick:Syndrome Ward Pic Thread #18

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thanks Blackflag that´s nice, it´s a pity to hear that with the batteries. And no other possiblity to buy these in another shop? Must correct these sorry - my english oh i hate me. Do you need or miss some things or for the flashing lighthouse?
A late good afternoon ladies :)

blackflag owning a pet food and supply franchise is very interesting these days :confused: My hubby and I own a pet food franchise. Fortunately we have not been hit hard by the recall of pet food. We've only had to take 10-12 of the recalled items off the shelf and it's only been from one company. But we do get alot of questions from concerned customers. I hope your cat is behaving itself and is eating it's canned food ok.

The last of my theme pics

the strong georgeous type is very sexy
so hot and yet so cool looking
cathwillows Nick wants you to come and join him
Stoky, we ended up 2 towns over in a small hobby shop where we got a small lamp on a base and some wire. Then we had to convince some employee's at WalMart that a 6-volt battery does exist so they could tell us where to find one in the store. :lol: Finally did get the stuff.

She ate fine this morning Jacquie. Stop & Shop was a mess today. We heard about this Saturday and they are still pulling stuff off the shelves. But then they were hit hard, their store brand is one of the recalled ones.

I almost posted one of the pics you just posted Jacquie. You can probably guess which one. :D

blackflag I think I can figure out which pic it was. Us wardgirls do think alike alot sometimes :)
oh Blackflag i know, that´s so often that problem to get the right stuff for projects or when you´ll beeing repair in the house. Good to hear, that you have all the things :)
and were you named Wal-Mart, oh men, here in germany all Wal-Mart´s going out that´s really bad. I liked the Mart.
wow ladies! awesome pics everyone! it was so hard to pick a winner. i wished i could nominate everyone as runner up, that would be fair! but i can't so here are the 5 runners up:

blackflag that look is cute and sexy in one
Marns i love the brilliance in his eyes *sighs*
OnlyTruth with one of my favorites
Stoky this look just says "ooooohhh hot!" ;)
Jacquie and the "come on, i know you want me" - look

and last but not least the winner is...... Marns this picture is perfect! it has everything: a sexy/seductive look, a smile, the buzz, a nice shirt.....what else could i possibly want?! :devil: Marns you posted so many hot pics that i first didn't know which one should be the winner pic, but when i saw the pic from above i had finally found it!
Congratz on winning! Our boy is in your capable hands now :D

thank you all for those sexy pics!
Marns ! :D yeah congrats on winning this is really all in one so hot, sexy and seductive. Give us Ward a new theme :D
Jacquie said:
I just saw we get new Nick next week. Let the party begin :)
Really?? Cuz my t.v. guide says that there is no CSI next week. In fact, I don't show any CSI until April 12 and that's a new episode. Boy, I hope you are right Jacquie because I am going into withdrawal here (and my DVDs are not helping...)
Points at the top of the forum for the ep discussion thread in the first part of it, the futon critic states that March 29th will be "Empty Eyes". Tvguide Online listings also says that it will air on the 29th as well. ;)
Oooh, yay! I won? Woo hoo! :D Thanks Speedy! :D

Err.. now I have to think about a theme.. Let's see.. what about.. funny faces? All characters. Limit is 12, I'll let you know when I'll be posting the winner.
Morning Ward :D

thanks Elsie and Jacquie for the cute random and start pics here :) and i´m glad to hear that of the other side of the pond the date is at 29. March new epi from CSI
oh you´re lucky Ladys :lol: it´s nice. And also thanks Destiny for the link that´s really interesting for me the guide i love it *big hug*

some random and good start pics for us all
He smiles for the Ward
he knows the week was hard
he give us all kiss
he know how we all him miss

have fun and good start ;)

eta: Howdy Marns you´re faster :lol: nice theme i love it :)
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