George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Morning girls!
Well, you have been confusing me with winner and no winner and who gets to pick the next theme... I guess first of all I should congratulate elsie And have a lovely (and save) vacation, we'll miss you :)
And the next congratz go to Jacquie as the one who gets to pick the next theme...
And thanks to Destiny for this wonderful shower. That was exactly what I needed :D

Theme pics

more dimple!porn
Jacquie said:
Enjoy your holiday and we'll send Nick your way for one day on the slopes. :)

I can't believe I'm missing a porn theme! So many yummy pics, great choice Jacquie. :D

As for Nick, he's welcome to join me on the slopes, but not on Thursday as it is my wedding anniversary... ;) Anyway, it has turned out to be an unfortunate time of year for snowboarding as Slovenia currently has no real snow and it is actually quite warm. So I am just hoping the weather forecast is wrong and lots of snow falls very soon! :lol:

Wishing you all a Nick wonderful week.
Hy Ward :D

nice theme Jacquie i´ll making my pic later, must now going to grocery

Elsie have a good time and we think of you at your wedding anniversary ;) and sending snow
for Elsie :)

see y´ll later guys :D
Some lovely pics ladies. :)

Elsie Happy Anniversary :). Maybe you should have gone to British Columbia or Washington for your holiday as they seem to be getting the snow that everyone else should be having. We'll leave you lots of pics to drool over when you come back. :)
Morning all!

Sorry Stoky I did get your PM...thank you so much! :D I'll have to set that account up asap so I can play with y'all!

I've just come off a 24 hour shift of insanity, and haven't had a chance to check in with the Ward. Actually had a scary time last night (tonight? meh...I don't even know where I am at the moment!)...nice standoff with a gun-toting madman in a residential area. Talk about tense!

I need a massage from Nick! That would make it all better! :devil:
Thank you for the hug! :D

Yeah, it's been pretty crazy. I should just go back to my old precinct in least there you EXPECT the crazies! :eek:

Love the porn pics! (hee,'s so much fun to say that!!) :D
McStokes take Nick for the day and enjoy your massage :devil: I agree the porn pics are gooood. Nick does lend himself so well to porn pics. :devil:
I may need to snag Nicky for the weekend...but I think he's going skiing with Elsie yeah? Darn.

I've been covering for a few sick co-workers as well as trying to get some time off...shifts are running into one another. But, I'm off this weekend and finally getting to see some girlfriends from college. Can't will be good to have fun, relax and go shopping for a change instead of running full tilt into pitch black woods chasing stupid people! :D
McStokes nothing has been decided on when Nick will be going skiing with Elsie. The only date that he will not be going is Thursday. So if you and your college friends want to snag him for the weekend party on. Just leave Nick in one piece :D Almost put a H in a word where it definetly would have cause problems :lol:
*giggles* Jacquie!!! :eek: Since maple isn't showing up that often anymore, you're taking the part of the saucy minx here, huh? :D
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