George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Good morning ladies. softcake nice avatar.

elsie thanks for the great collections of avatars to choose from. I will definetly let you know if I want anything changed on my new Nick but how can one change perfection :)

Since we are waiting on AngelaG to select the winner from NFS2 theme some random cuteness this morning.

for the turtleneck crowd
looks like a face a child would make when they don't want to take their medicine
are you wardgirls ready oh yes we are :D
nice to snuggle with on a cold morning
we get to see this hotness tonight
to remind us what hot days are like mind you our winter has not been that cold, yet. We haven't even got snow, yet.
Mornin' all! And I love the new avatars.

*sniff* I want one too! (But I don't have a photobucket account to link to!) Is there any other way to post one?
McStokes signing up for photobucket is easy and so far hasn't cost me anything! :) My new avatar I just used the link from the texan charm site. Mind you I will probably put the pic in my photobucket because it is such a good one :) The board has specific rules on sizes of avatars so if you haven't read them I suggest you do. I hope this helps :)
Hy Guys :D

Softcake *wow* nice new Avatar :)
Elsie wish you a nice holliday ;)
McStokes you can an Avatar loading on my Photobucket
i´ll give you the pass ;) Pn for you
Did anyone see AngelaG on yesterday. I haven't seen her on since she posted the pics for the last theme. Just wondering if she knows she's picking the winner. :rolleyes:

I spent at least an hour trying to get the computer and link to both work this morning and I can't tell you how satisfying it is to slam a few doors and threaten to throw the computer out the window. :eek: It didn't do anything to fix my computer problems, but it made me feel better. :D

Since this is a picture thread here's some random Nicky.

Looks like he's going off to school.
This was on Tuesday, the sound of it made my hand hurt.
Gotta love a man who loves animals.
What a face!
He's going to make himself go blind reading in the dark.
Possible lower back problems in the future!


Nice avatar Jackie (and Elsie). It's always nice to see the Little Stoker on a routine basis. :lol:
blackflag if AngelaG doesn't pop in do you want to ask one of our dear mods to pick a winner. :)

I hope George is aware that the little stoker is not popping out as much this year. You're slacking there George :lol:
Jacquie said:
I hope George is aware that the little stoker is not popping out as much this year. You're slacking there George :lol:

I found myself staring at George's mouth giving Little Stoker a pep talk :D "Come out there, buddy, you know you want to. Don't be shy" :lol:
i swear george reads this site. remember this suit? that is exactly what i told him to wear after the bronze thing (that Elsie seems to like :p)
and with the tongue thing, its never out and about this season! even last year there was a bit of a decline in its appearances.
not to mention the hair, he shaved it becase he didnt want people talking about it so much. how would he know unless he were reading it?
i bet you hes reading this now and laughing his butt off about it. :lol: just in case... hi george! :D
oh yes i remember! ive just been enjoying the dress shirts so much i didnt realize there were so many now :lol: and then there was the one where all the buttons were done up, maybe he was messing with us? you are a cheeky monkey arent you george? ;)
i know Destiny has stepped up to the plate before to pick a winner, im sure we could ask her again :D
I'm sure George checks in here regularly. Another excellent example that George is listening to his wardgirls. Do you every wonder if George's sister Angela checks us out to see what we are saying about here 'little' brother :)
McStokes said:
I don't have a photobucket account to link to! Is there any other way to post one?

Agreeing with the others, get yourself a photobucket account (or imageshack do one as well). It is free and then you can join in the themes...think of all the George/Nick yummyness you could post... ;)

To add to the confusion for whoever picks the winner. Please ignore my posts for theme, as I am going away tomorrow night so wouldn't be able to pick the winner of the next theme! :lol:

As for George checking in here. I think he would be too afraid. But I bet someone he knows does. All us fangirls are complimentary about our man and I would like to think that would get back to him. ("yeah, and they post all these pictures of you, everyday!...") He must think we are a little crazy. :lol:
Elsie said:

He must think we are a little crazy. :lol:

So isn't that why we are in the ward. I think we all came to the conclusion the other day that we are crazy. :lol: Works for me anyways :)
Elsie, if yours aren't included you could always pick the winner. That way we wouldn't have to "disturb" Destiny, not that she doesn't keep a fairly close eye on what we do anyways. :lol: After all we've been pretty good lately and she hasn't had any reasons to come in and start spraying us with who knows what. :lol:

I freely admit that I am crazy. I was driven crazy by what is now an 11 year old and 9 year old!

Last year I made a comment here about George (when his hair was getting longer) looking like Tom Cruise and then in the Bang Bang eppy Nick said he had a "Tom Cruise thing going on" I had fantasies at the time about him (or someone from the show) reading this thread and all. But I sure that it is just a fantasy. If it were me, I'd stay far away. But then my ego might be more fragile.
Anyway, it's good to be back, ladies. My computer crashed again and for the second time in 3 months I had to rebuild the system. The stupid thing is only 1 year old (got it Jan 06), so I'm kind of p.o.'ed. So much to catch up on here, so many loverly pics.
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