George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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ooohhh, baby! That's a tempting offer, but I'm not sure I wanna share with teh girls!! :devil:

He may not like Connecticut...might be too white bread for him! (but i will take him anyway!) My friends roll their eyeballs out of their heads everytime I mention CSI or Nick...they just don't understand the beauty that is STOKES! :lol:

(remind me why I am friends with them again? Just kidding!)
Maybe I was wrong. Get mad at the computer and threaten to throw it out the window yesterday, and today it's working just fine. :lol:

more theme pics:

arm porn
deffinately arm porn
one of my favorites - arm porn :D
arm porn
this deffinately speaks for itself :devil:
working arm porn

For some reason every time I trid to type porn I typed port. Had to go back and fix them all!


ETA: McStokes and NSF, I've got the PBR in town all weekend. They even interviewed some of them on the morning news. We had to explain the line-up of trucks around the DCU Center to the kids yesterday.
softcake_70 said:
blackflag said:
For some reason every time I trid to type porn I typed port. Had to go back and fix them all!

I constantly typed pron. Well, that's a word I don't use that often :D
I think it has something to do with the fact that when this computer got infected with the virus a ton of porn sites started popping up on the screen just as Christopher (8yrs old) walked into the room. :eek:

My last theme pics:

tongue porn
arm porn
arm porn

Well you wardgirls continue to shine and the porn pics were delicious :D. So in no particular order here are the runners up

Stoky I like the title of this brighteyes :)
blackflag is it summertime yet :lol:
Nikky very yummy
Nikky again. You gotta love an angry Nick
Stoky again. If the next pic hadn't been posted you would have won with this. :) What episode is it from?

And the winner of the porn theme is softcake .What more could a girl ask for when picking a winner for a porn theme :devil:I know but we won't go there. Destiny got us enough yesterday :lol:. So congrats softcake and Nick is now in you capable hands :)
Good morning, Ward!

Weeh, I won! *grabs Jacquie and does the Happy Ward dance* :D Party!

Okay, next theme. I promised next time I won't challenge you. Much ;)
I want to see full body shots :) Limit is 12, I'll pick the winner in about 24 hours (depends on when I get up)

And now I knocked over an almost full bag of M&Ms...*sighs*
Hy Guys :D

congrats on winning Softcake and thanks for new theme,
i didn´t know if i have enough full body pics the most of Nicky/George are Headpics :eek:

Jacquie thanks that you like bright eyes, sure he has so bright eyes every time. And the pic hmm
sorry i don´t know more from which epi must going on and to make established in my Nicky Folders i pic and pic and pic endless :lol: but i´ll look and hope i found the epi

NikkyJamez do you make holiday in Alabama? so i´ll wish nice trip :)
nice casting
do you remember :lol:
ouhhh :devil:
hmmm yummy :p
ohh little sweetheart :lol:

ok my first let me look for next and nice day for y´ll
Hi Marns welcome to the Ward! Grab a chair and make yourself comfortable. Like Jacquie uses to say: we don't bite, we just want to nibble on Nick (George) sometimes :)

Guys, this reminds me - we still call it "the Ward" although the title of the thread has changed... Shouldn't we go back to the "Ward" with the next thread, as we're all nuts? :lol: Just saying...
oh geez, we are getting pretty close to the next one arent we? im sure we can ask Destiny if we can put the ward part back in.
ok, everyone line up and do your best george puppy face at her! :lol:
welcome Marns! i know from personal experience that georges ears are especially delectible to nibble on ;) :lol: delluisional? me? never!
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