George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Hy :D

oh i think also that George looks here and i hope that :D he´s an most cheerful men and had fun :lol: so many pics from himself. And yea we all crazy enough it´s funny an he see we all love him so. I´m right George :D
nice George
happy George :lol:

OnlyTruth poor with your computer. The scene with George and phone ;) i´ve seen at omatoey - really fantasie,
i think a littlebit real is it, perhaps he has reading your commentary ;) who knows properly that?

Now i´m off for 2 hrs. new CSI comes on German TV 2 epis :D
happy. See y´ll later
I'm sorry I haven't been checking in ladies. My computer has turned into a hunk of junk. It's not letting me look at any of the links. That means no drool-worthy Nick pics for me. :( So if it's not to much trouble, please ask someone else to pick a winner while I call a repair man.

No George/Nick makes Angela an unhappy girl. :mad:
I feel bad for you Angela. I hope you manage to fix it soon...

As I am no longer participating in this theme I am happy to pick the winner if that is what y'all want. ;)

I'll be back in about 3 hours, so if there is a consensus on this I will post a winner then. :)
I feel your pain Angela, my computer isn't any better. :mad: Back just before I got hooked up with cable my dial-up provider thought there was something wrong with Internet Explorer and with all my recent problems I'm ready to believe it too. :lol:

Elsie, we nominate you since you're not involved with this theme any more. What's 3 more hours wait. :rolleyes:

Something must be going on with the internet today...I've been getting error messages and having trouble too.
Hi ladies, we're snowed in again so I can pop in here and pic the winner!!

if that is ok: well I'll just do it any way ;)

here are the runners up :D :



Softcake funny!!



and the winner is:

Elsie can't get more of a "Cheeky Monkey" then this :D

ok well there you go... now I have to wait for almost 12" of snow to melt... again :lol:
Wow....SNOW!!! What a foreign concept. We've had no snow and today was finally a little bit cold (40 degrees).

My husband is happy as he doesn't have to shovel anything! (except maybe the bullsh*! I toss his way!) :D
nicksarafan2 said:

Elsie can't get more of a "Cheeky Monkey" then this :D

not to intrude, but Elsie is going away and withdrew her posts as competing to win ;)

so i guess i shouldnt rub it in that all our snow melted already? :p although rain tomorrow, cant the weather just make up its mind! maybe if george has a big enough house we could all just move in with him til the temperature rises again... :devil:
blackflag said: That way we wouldn't have to "disturb" Destiny, not that she doesn't keep a fairly close eye on what we do anyways. :lol: After all we've been pretty good lately and she hasn't had any reasons to come in and start spraying us with who knows what. :lol:
I never have a problem helping out when its needed, and it doesn't distrub anything I am doing, its just apart of the job in helping. But sense you mentioned it you all have been pretty good lately so...

*Sprays everyone with a Mixture of Spam, chili and oatmeal* :D

Hmm Guess you shouldn't have reminded me its been awhile. :lol: :p
Destiny, girl, we love you and love that you're our mod, but that is one disgusting mixture. Since we've been good, couldn't you spray us with something more appealing?
Yuck! :eek: Couldn't you spray us with something appatizing. It's dinner time around here! I may only be having mac & cheese, but I've lost my appatite with that combination being sprayed at me.

Destiny, I say this in a very nice way, but, I was trying to keep you away for just this reason. :p

Destiny hmmm
*Sprays everyone with a Mixture of Spam, chili and oatmeal
tasty :lol:

eta: Elsie congrats on winning :D have nice holiday :)

and now congrats on winning Jacquie give us new theme :D

McStokes don´t get my Pn? i´ll send you once more when you need

ok, now i´m off. Sleep very well y´ll and have nice Nicky
allmaple said:
not to intrude, but Elsie is going away and withdrew her posts as competing to win ;)

Yes I withdrew. So in the interests of continuing the game, I have looked through nsf2's runners up and chosen this pic from Jacquie as the cheeky monkey winner. But yay! for winning anyway, thanks nsf2. :)

So Nick is in your hands Jacquie, enjoy! :D

Thanks Destiny, always nice to hear from you. Well, kind of nice...
ROFLMFAO :lol: *Wipes the tears of laughter away* omg well guys you would have all been disappointed admit it if it would have been to easy you would have been suspecting that I was up to something.
I'm so glad I had dinner before reading this tonight. Spam, chili and oatmeal. :lol: Really Destiny and we had been so good lately. I like 2 out of 3 but not altogether.

Congrats on winning Elsie :) Enjoy your holiday and we'll send Nick your way for one day on the slopes. :) As the runner up I will gladly select the next theme. Lets see George, Nick and company with their best porn shot. It can be tongues, arms, etc. The usual limit of 12 and I will pick a winner in just over 24 hours. Happy Nick hunting :)
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