George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Jacquie oh yea you´ve so right :D
double yeah

ok now i´m really off *sorry* i´m so cheeky :lol:
nice nigth y´ll

eta: ouh i kill my english :lol: must improved that
Stoky there is nothing wrong with you english. :)

I was looking for a new avatar in honour of my recent promotion to CSI level Two and I came across this :) Didn't find a new avatar but I'm still looking
Hi ladies!!

ok first, Thank you Blackflag I'm so happy I won!!

ok second, I'm really busy all week, and I don't know when i'll be in here again, so if it's all right, I'll pick a theme, and let the second place winner pic the winner? is that ok?

if it is, here is the theme: *if not then please pic another theme :D *

I want a pic of Nick where it looks like he's iehter saying "Cheeky Monkey" or acting like a "Cheeky Monkey"... make since?

so there it is, and I hope what I said before works, if not it's ok, I just thought I'd better tell Ya'll before it got to late :D

and I love George!! he's a cutie pie :D
Congratulations on the promotion Jacquie !

Good luck on finding a new must be such hard work looking through all those George/Nick pictures... ;)

I wish I was better at posting because I would really like to get past the current title I's not very encouraging! :lol:
Morning, Ward!

Teehee. Nick's "tool" :devil: Stoky and I discussed his "tool" on MSN for about two hours recently *giggle* Of course in an adult, very decent way *cough*

NSF2 I have no idea what you mean :confused: I know what cheeky is, I know what a monkey is, but is "cheeky monkey" a figure of speech?

Edited because I forgot to congratulate Jacquie on her promotion ;) CSI Level Two. Not bad ;)
softcake_70 said:
I know what cheeky is, I know what a monkey is, but is "cheeky monkey" a figure of speech?

Just think of it as Nick being/acting cheeky. Cheeky monkey is something you might call someone (jokingly) if they are being cheeky...Assuming it means the same in English as in the US of course. ;)

Congrats on your promotion Jacquie, I love the hair guide too.

You were early this morning softcake, I'm going to post some theme pics later, as it's nearly time for daily maintenance and I don't want to lose the post (again)... :p

eta: the other part of the definition Nikky has given below:

"You're being cheeky if you make a joke that you can only just get away with without getting into trouble."

I think it explains it quite well. :)
Thanks for explaining, elsie and Nikky

I can't post pics right now, due to our slow internet connection at work I can't even open my photobucket... :rolleyes:

We wardgirls do think alike. That was going to be my first pic for the theme :D

Azzie to move up in the ranks look at some of the ohter threads to post in. There are alot out there. I've been having fun in the linking game on the generaltv-media forum. It's fun :) Post more often here. You don't have to worry about being quick on the draw with your comments we don't bite, much :lol: Join in our themes and post pics of one georgeous Texan named George Eads/Nick Stokes :) If you're not sure how to post a pic ask someone I've found everyone here very helpful :)

Now on to the theme
a cheeky look
cheeky 2
cheeky monkey with dimples
he's wanting to be a cheeky monkey
Cheeky 5 :D

Off to do battle with house cats, and then bags of pet foods and litters. It's delivery day so I'll be needing Nick for one of his massages tonight. :D
Great. Now whenever I call someone a "tool" all I'm gonna think of is... :devil:! Meh...guess that's not so bad!

Was our boy at the PCA awards last night? I tried to watch, but when Robin Williams went off on one of his messy tirades, I had to turn the channel!
Howdy Guys :D

NfS2 nice theme thanks ;)

Teehee. Nick's "tool" Stoky and I discussed his "tool" on MSN for about two hours recently *giggle* Of course in an adult, very decent way *cough*
:lol: psssst

Jacquie congrats on your promotion wow CSI Level two :D and i´m sure you´ll find a nice new avatar ;)

hmmm cheeky i hope i´ve enough :lol:

cheeky and little little stoker :lol:
cheeky monkey
cheeky with moustache :lol:
another cheeky monkey or we say chicken dance
cheeky eating
cheeky with a long pouuuuut

ok, hope i´ll find another 6? but it´s funny
i dont think anyone from csi was there, other than emily procter who presented i think. i turned it off after greys won. i bet the winners know ahead of time and they are the only ones who go.
which sucks because i was really looking forward to seeing george in a suit :( i mean, if carmen electra will go to every award show imaginable why wont george go to one? :lol:
liked the season 4 hair guide, although she didnt seem to like his hair too much that season :lol: season 5 will be difficult to come up with witty comments each episode.
so do you think hell have hair by the end of this season? it grew back in season 5 but this season its been kept super short so far this season.
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