George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Stoky just leave out the part about the handcuff stuff or McStokes may never be able to look the bad guys without this huge grin on her face :lol:

How could anybody that looks like this not be considered cute. Not calling him cute them's fighting words. Stands behind McSotkes for protection. I also love the part where Nick said goodbye to gris. had a chuckle with that :lol:
Good morning, Ward!

Now this is my third attempt to post. Whenever I hit the continue-button, we have a server crash :rolleyes:
Plus, I have another bad hair day. I should have stayed in bed this morning ;)
Some random yummyness from me
Hard working
Hat action (What was wrong with his hat? He put it off and on and off and lifted it and put it back on...)
The way we like it
First time EVER I wanna be Grissom :D

Okay. I'll give it another try... *Points mouse over continue-button and clicks carefully.....*
^^ I think we would all be saying "DON'T STOP!" :devil:

Softcake, I think playing with your hat is a southern thing. I live in the south and I see alot of guys do it. Especially when they are flirting. :p

Ladies, I have to say I think Nick pics work better than coffee in morning. Yes indeed.
Morning all!

Stoky hope you are feeling better this morning...we are eagerly awaiting the details of your night with Nick! :devil:

So, am I the official bodyguard of the Ward now?! :lol: *again, feels the need to spend LOTS of time on the treadmill if everyone can fit BEHIND me!!*

Oh, and Softcake I don't need encouragement...I'm naturally insane! :D

*goes off to handcuff some bad guys and daydream that they are GE*
Now that I've had breakfast and my daily dose of caffine I'm ready for the day. :)

Don't worry McStokes about us standing behind you for protection because we all stand behind our real protector :p Now we just need to figure out who will be first in line :)
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