George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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McStokes said:
I mean THE rear! :D

oh, so does that mean youll be at the back of the group and let the rest of us be right up behind nicky? how very kind of you! :p and dont worry about being insane, in my personal experience its the normal ones you need to watch out for ;)
I'd fight to be first, but I'm not that good at fighting so I'll probably end up in the rear with McStokes. :lol:

I thought that one of the criteria of being in the Ward was that we were insane! If I'm anywhere near sane people around me better be worried. :lol:

You know being at the rear isn't a bad thing because you'd get a better view :D I can see the headlines "12 Nick Stokes Wardgirls caught fighting to stay at the rear of the line" :lol:

I too don't like to be around sane people. It takes the fun out of things if you're sane :lol:
Lord knows I'm surrounded by lunatics most of my day!

So, if I get to "bring up the rear" (so to speak), does that mean I get to do physical assesments every once in a while to make sure said rear is just fine and dandy? :D
Jacquie said:
You know being at the rear isn't a bad thing because you'd get a better view :D

im sorry to inform you, but the only view youd get would be of my rear :p :lol: (dont mind the dorkyness)
kidding, i may cling onto him for a while but we could always rotate to make sure everyone gets a chance at the rear ;) now do i mean georges rear or the rear of the group....hmmm....
Wow! As I suspected it looks like I am the only sane person here! (although, I'm sure if you think you are sane then you probably aren't). :lol: ;)

Yes, the rear, it is the place to be....although I'll stand wherever the best view is, and fight y'all for it!
Hy Ward :D

bring back Nicky from Night ;) i´m feel better now, my mouth is crumpeld from the ho.. :D night and i´ve uses the stuff hundcuffs more i daren´t tell :lol:
and btw so much cute pics :devil:

Softcake poor pity to hear with your server hug from me

Stoky hope you are feeling better this morning...we are eagerly awaiting the details of your night with Nick!

So, am I the official bodyguard of the Ward now?! *again, feels the need to spend LOTS of time on the treadmill if everyone can fit BEHIND me!!*
you little little :devil: i can´t tell you´re details from last nigth, you know i´m afraid from the revenge of D are you my bodyguard then? :lol:
Jacquie sais
I can see the headlines "12 Nick Stokes Wardgirls caught fighting to stay at the rear of the line
:lol: oh i´m so late here and it´s so funny and i´m insane

Elsie i´ll agree with you :lol:
Hi girls!

Seems I missed all the fun here today ;) Our internet server at work was down the whole day, it was hell! :eek: So I had to deal with the nuts at the office instead of the amiable nuts in here ;) me a good one today. (Nut that is)...

Guy was so drunk he could barely stand, and he tried to hit on me. Oh, and the best part was when he serenaded (spelling?) me...let's just say I went to my happy place and imagined it was Nick singing to me in the print lab!

Yup...some days I love my job. :p
Your happy place... :D
Is it when you stare out of the window for about 5 minutes and don't react to the world around you? I have that happy place, too. Filled with George :p
Yes! I usually have a look on my face that can be described as "it only looks like I'm listening to you and I care" while I imagine a soft, Texan drawl lulling my ears. :devil:
ouhhh what´s the matter Ward? so quiet here.

Softcake McStokes no commentary more :lol:

McStokes espacally for you
hmmm yummy

Sofcake for you :lol:

and for y´ll a very nice Nicky night and dreams


sleep very well ;)
Teehee. I know that. The drawl and strong, Texan arms to embrace you... Yes, work is hell unless you can escape it for a couple of minutes ;)
I was wondering who was going to make a comment about Nicky's *coughcough* tool :devil:. After hearing of your drunk guy I'm not surprised it was you McStokes :D. We've all made our fair share of comments at one time or another :). That's why we're here :)
this is what we like about our Nick :devil:
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