George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Hy Softcake i´ve thinking also the film was ended, no, after the court, a little rest. The woman takes Bress in the arms both of them are crying and bress says nothing first the woman sais "i know - i know" bress excused them of the women.

400 mails *ohhhh*
What? They showed the end after the loooong commercial break? :eek: Whoa. I've turned off the TV by then... Okay, thanks for telling me, Stoky Next week I'll stay tuned, just in case :D
Amazingly the wife hugged was really touching and he cried on her shoulder. I was bawling my eyes out as I have been involved in situtations like that (I wasn't the one who was the shooter, but it was still heartbreaking).

Yay! New Nicky tonight!
Damn, why did I have to turn off the TV?
Thank you, McStokes for telling me, too.. I bet I would have cried as well :(

Situations like that will never be easy. I'm a member of the staff associaton (that's what my online-dictionary tells me, at least) so once in a while I have to attend a funeral of a deceased co-worker...that sucks, and I'm always crying....
Care for a hug? ;)
Yeah, I really cried at that ending. Absolutely heartbreaking...

I'll be back soon with the theme winners, give me 15 minutes....
Season 1! No wonder I had a hard time finding it. :rolleyes: Thanks for the info Nikki and Jacquie! :D

*goes back to lurking* :D
Wow, I love the profile.... He is so fine! ;) Very difficult choice:

Runners Up:
Jacquie I'm tired too...
softcake "No sweetheart, I'll be home soon to keep you warm..."
softcake again Erm, yes indeed
Stoky doesn't he look cute...
blackflag two hot men...

And the winner is: Jacquie you're right, it is very nearly perfect...

Congrats Jacquie , enjoy your theme. :)
Oh happy ward dance I won!. As I have not been feeling well today I will sit out the dance but not the theme :) Looking at pics are always good for what ails you. I feel like sending you on a treasure hunt. I want to see George, Nick and company with something that is blue. The catch being it can't be clothing. 12 pic limit and I will pick a winner in about 27 hours. Happy Hunting :)
Hi all!!!

wow, I havn't been in here since well... last year! *I have been waiting to say that :D *

so I watch the episode, it was allright, at least Nicky was in it a lot :D I thought it was cute when Nick hugged Grissom, and I thought Grissom was mean for saying 'stop hugging me', I'm thinking, do you know how lucky you are to be hugged by Nick!!! well Grissom's a fuddy duddy what can you do?

ok well, I'm coming back with some theme pics :D

woo whoo!!

oh and my Anderson Cooper said 'Cheecky Monkey' last night... in a British accent!!
NikkyJamez said:
I don't think that Grissom was being Mean at all, Grissom was being, well Grissom :). It would've been a lot funnier if Hodge's was the one who was giving him a hug :devil:

thats sort of what I meant, he treated Nick as if he was Hodges, not Nick... any way, yeah Gill's just being Gill, but I wanted to hug my Nicky :D

ok here are my pics:
*back in a second ;) *
*I'm back*

Blinds are blue
Blue wall
Blue light thingy

that is them :D
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