George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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blackflag said:
I guess it's an indication on how many profile pics I have that I'm having trouble deciding which ones to post! :lol:

That's what I love about George in profile! There are lots of pics and he always looks good... ;)
Hi! I'm new here, and I'm a Nick Stokes fan. :D I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you guys could help me with.

There was an episode where Nick slept with a hooker(?) who was later found murdered in her apartment, and Nick was the prime suspect b/c he was the last one who saw her alive. Catherine was the one who processed the case and cleared his name. Can someone please tell me what the name of this episode was and which season it aired.

Also, was Nick allowed to work any other case while he was being investigated? Or was he on leave? Suspension?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :D
Welcome Shadowfax. To answer the second part of the question Nick was on his day off. If Ecklie had had his way Nick would have been permantely off. In reality Nick probably would have been suspended
welcome here Shadowfax and your quest´s be answerd from Jacquie and Nikki and one pic of Nikki is from his epi with Kristy

today in german TV was double epi, wow and Nicky looks inspite of his beard very nice is hair was very nice styles :D but i´ve slipped the beginning of the first part
:mad: but ok, tonight the epi repited :lol:
Hi girls!

I'm so mad right now. We had "A bullet runs through it", both parts, on tonight. And again that stupid TV-station cut the end for commercials! :mad: So the last thing I saw was the widow of the cop looking over to Brass, who was sitting there in his cute little uniform and looked apologetic... Could somebody tell me how this ended? Did she slap Brass? Or throw him out of the house?

Another little creepy thing happened at work. I get tons of work-related mails (about 400 a day) and even more spam mails. Needless to say I have to have a look into the spam folder to make sure nothing important was filtered. And there was a mail, sender was "Nick" and the subject was "Kristy". :lol: I giggled for about 5 minutes :D

Oh, and you guys on the other side of the pond will have new Nicky tonight... Have fun! :)
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