George/Nick: Syndrome Pic Thread #15

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Elsie I'm glad I could cheer up your day a bit :)
blckflag sorry to hear Christopher's not well again and allmaple sorry to hear you're not feeling well. :( I offer to loan you Nick to help you feel better but knowing you you'd stick him in your suitcase and leave us Nickless when you go to NY. :lol:

Now before I head out to the store for possibly the busiest day of the year here are my theme pics. blackflag I will check out babs' site for angry jurors. thanks :)
close up
a very close up pic
not as close as the last one but still close
and speaking of 11 Angry Jurors
before someone else snags this
another scene stealer from Gum Drops
so McStokes, any tips for must do things in new york?

Maple with the weather being so mild I would definately suggest going to the top of the Empire State Building. Usually it's too cold (it will be windy, though) this time of year. Then there is Rockefellar Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, the shops on 5th Avenue...

Ooh! Go to the CBS studios down near Central Park and the Natual History Musuem! You can take in the taping of the Early Show, and maybe see some things on CSI!

Times Square is a must-see...Macy's on 34th street is quite an experience...

Any idea where you are staying?
Jacquie said:
I offer to loan you Nick to help you feel better but knowing you you'd stick him in your suitcase and leave us Nickless when you go to NY. :lol:

what? me? *shifty eyes* i wouldnt do that.... *puts away giant suitcase*

and in new york we rented an apartment on lexington between 26th and 27th street. i think....
Jacquie, thankfully he's not sick this time. Some of the younger boys have been fighting before school in the playground so they got a couple of 6th grade boys to organize races to keep them busy. What they didn't know was that these 6th grade boys were offering candy to the winner to get the younger ones to do it. Yesterday Christopher won and ended up with a blue mouth, lips, teeth. We've told him over and over never to take anything from someone you don't know, but he'll do anything for candy. :rolleyes:

Almost thought I was going to need one of these because of a man (or finger) eating book return slot at our public library. :lol: Feeling is returning and the tingling is leaving!

All those pics *thud* I am not active lately, but busy time with christmas and we going on vacation in january so lot of things to arrange.
Hy guys,

sorry sooo late, but must working until now :rolleyes: and so many pic´s new theme congrats Blackflag :D
i´ll need a little time to make my pics ;)

and hello Music :D
Sweet dreams! I'm actually off tonight so I'm trying to grab as many friends as I can to go out. I never know what my schedule is going to be like, so it makes it so hard to get together. It's a wonder they haven't completely dumped me...must be cuz I can get them outta speeding tickets! :lol:
*props herself back on her chair* Not that I fell off or anything ;-)
I'm quite a fan of the fave one too.. and... 'gentleman' was really hot!!
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